NR 283 Unit 5 In class Activity; Worksheet 2

Course : Chamberlain
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  • NR 283 Unit 5 In class Activity; Worksheet 2


Worksheet 2

Your Name: ____________ ___________________________ Date________________


This activity provides each student with the opportunity to review the concepts that will be covered on the second test. This review can help students better understand the concepts, learn strategies for mastering this content from other students, and more accurately apply the concepts to future patient care situations.



  • Define the following:
  • Discuss the color and significance of abnormal sputum (see page 281)
  • Discuss laryngotracheobronchitis (croup). Include the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations.
  • Discuss epiglottis. Include the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations.
  •  Discuss lobar pneumonia. Include the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations.
  •  Discuss aspiration pneumonia. Include the pathophysiology, risk factors, and clinical manifestations.
  • Discuss cystic fibrosis. Include the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations.
  • Discuss lung carcinoma. Include the pathophysiology, risk factors, and clinical manifestations.
  • Discuss asthma. Include the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations.
  • Discuss chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Include the pathophysiology, risk factors, and clinical manifestations.
  • Discuss pulmonary edema. Include the pathophysiology, risk factors, and clinical manifestations
  • Discuss pulmonary embolus. Include the pathophysiology, risk factors, and clinical manifestations.
  • Discuss pneumothorax. Include the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations.
  •  Discuss tuberculosis. Include the pathophysiology, incidence, risk factors, and clinical manifestations.
  • Discuss the major types of leukemia, complications, and general treatment.
  • Discuss the clinical manifestations associated with anemia.
  • Which lab value is commonly used to measure anemia?
  •  Discuss pernicious anemia. Include the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment, including administration of the treatment.
  • Discuss sickle cell anemia. Include the pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, and treatment.
  • Discuss the significance of petechiae and purpura.
  • Discuss Polycythemia Vera. Include the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment.
  • Place each of the following in the correct column.
  • Compare and contrast sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
  • List one non-modifiable risk factor for hypertension.
  • List three modifiable risk factors for hypertension.
  • Define cardiac output and discuss its significance.
  • Atherosclerosis puts the individual at high risk for developing which cardiac disorder
  • How is this dangerous for the individual?

  • Differentiate angina from myocardial infarction with regard to its cause and the characteristics of pain associated with it. Describe situations that may precipitate angina or a myocardial infarction.
  • List the most serious complication of a myocardial infarction.
  • If you had a client with persistent chest pain following rest and administration of nitroglycerin, what action would you take? 

  • What does the lab test CPK-MB assess for?
  • Discuss the general treatment for cardiac conditions
  • What is cor pulmonale? What happens with cor pulmonale?
  •  Define congestive heart failure. List the signs, symptoms, and treatment.
  • Why would you recommend avoidance of prolonged stress for a patient with congenital heart disease?
  •  Explain why untreated essential hypertension is dangerous.
  •  Define and explain the term intermittent claudication.
  • Describe three early signs of shock and the rationale for each.
  •  List two types of congenital heart defects. Briefly describe each including any change in directional blood flow.
  • List one way to prevent a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). What is a serious complication of a DVT?
  • If untreated, heart valve disorders can lead to which type of cardiac condition?
  • Define an aortic aneuryms and discuss the significance of a dissecting aortic aneurysm.


Learners, Contributed, Session
Course Chamberlain

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