ACC 502 Topic 6 Discussion QuestionsDQ 1 , DQ 2

Course : Grand Canyon
Contributed : Taylor
  • $20.00
  • ACC 502 Topic 6 Discussion QuestionsDQ 1 , DQ 2

ACC 502 Topic 6 DQ 1

 The stockholders' equity section of the balance sheet typically includes the line items of retained earnings, common stock, treasury stock, and other comprehensive income. Select one company to analyze using the list of approved companies. Select two of these line items and explain what their balances might indicate about how the company is utilizing the investment by its stockholders. In your response, address whether you would want to purchase stock in the company based on your analysis. Participate in follow-up discussion by reviewing the information provided by classmates and providing your opinion as to whether you would purchase the company’s stock. In your response, compare your opinions and note any significant similarities or differences.


ACC 502 Topic 6 DQ 2

Companies may issue common or preferred stock to generate cash flow. However, sometimes companies will buy back stock that was issued to shareholders. Discuss at least one reason why a company would buy back its own stock and provide an example to support your points. In addition, discuss any potential negative effects of the stock repurchase. Participate in follow-up discussion by changing the fact patterns provided by classmates to show when/why a company may want to reissue its treasury stock. Provide an example to support your points



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