BIOL133 Week 13 Lab Assignment 8 - DNA & RNA; Exercise

Course : American Public
Contributed : May Anderson
  • $20.00
  • BIOL133 Week 13 Lab Assignment 8 - DNA & RNA; Exercise


  • The nucleotides in DNA pair via:
  • The nucleotides in DNA pair via:
  • The nucleotides in DNA pair via:
  • Where does translation take place in a cell?
  • Which type of mutation has no effect on protein function?


Exercise 1

  1. How long are each of your peptide chains (how many amino acids are present)?
  2. What differences exist between your two transcripts? What about your translated product?
  3. Hb A represents a section of the 626 base normal hemoglobin beta mRNA sequence. Hb S is from the sickle cell hemoglobin. Is the mutation found in sickle cell hemoglobin a point mutation or a frameshift mutation?
  4. Does the sickle cell mutation result in a missense mutation, silent mutation or nonsense mutation? Why?
  5. What is the resulting new trait for this mutation? What are the resulting symptoms in people with the HbS hemoglobin protein?
  6. Do a web-search to find another example of a disease caused by a mutation in a single gene. Do the resulting symptoms (new trait) make sense considering the role of the affected protein? Why or why not?


Exercise 2

  1. How does each of your mutations affect the amino acid sequences? Are the mutations missense mutations, silent mutations or nonsense mutations?
  2. What differences did you notice between the point mutation and the frameshift mutations?
  3. Is it possible to determine the DNA sequence from the amino acid sequence Leu Pro Arg? Why or Why not?


Competency Review

  1. Which of the following accurately describes transcription and translation?
  2. Which of the following accurately defines the terms and has them in the correct order of occurrence in the cell?
  3. Which of the following is not a component of DNA?



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