BIOL133 Week 15 Lab Assignment 8 - Evolution
- $20.00
*You will complete Evolution Exercise 1: Embryology and Homologous Structures.
Evolution Pre-Lab Questions
- What is the gene pool of the population depicted in the pie chart? (5 points)
- What is the gene frequency (use the Hardy-Weinberg equation)? (5 points)
- What are two types of extreme genetic drift? (5 points)
- What are more subtle contributors to genetic drift? (5 points)
Evolution Exercise 1
- Open the Evolution Digital Exercise through the hyperlink provided in the eScience lab, entitled _____ .
- Answer the pre-lab and post-lab questions in the lab document.
- Create and submit screenshots of the next 2 activities and paste them into this document below (*Note: you should not submit separate pdf files; paste screenshots of your completed coloring page and chart here) (60 points)
- Submit the coloring page. You should click the image to color it, take a screenshot when finished, and paste below.
Post Lab Questions
- Based on your work with homologous structures, discuss which species have similar structures and which are less similar? (5 points)
- Describe the function of each skeletal limb. (5 points)
- If these animals share a common ancestor, explain why there are differences in the bones? (5 points)
- Discuss how comparative embryo development contributes to the theory of evolution. (5 points)