BIOL133 Week 9 Lab Assignment 6 - Mitosis

Course : American Public
Contributed : May Anderson
  • $20.00
  • BIOL133 Week 9 Lab Assignment 6 - Mitosis

*You will complete Mitosis Exercises 1 and 2.

*You will not complete Mitosis Exercise 3.

*You must answer all questions below, including the post lab questions.


Mitosis Pre-Lab Questions


  1. What are chromosomes made of? (10 points)

Mitosis Exercise 1


Identifying Stages of the Cell Cycle/Observation of Mitosis in a Plant Cell

    • Observe the images of the onion root tip using the digital slide image viewer.
    • Locate a good example of a cell in each of the following stages: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
    • Identify the following cells with their phase of mitosis. Note: answers may be used more than once. (12 points)

Mitosis Exercise 2


  1. Open the digital exercise through the hyperlink provided in the Experiment Inventory and complete the digital exercise.
  2. Take a screenshot of your completed data table upon completion of the digital exercise and insert it here: (28 points)


Mitosis Exercise 3Do not complete this exercise


Mitosis Post Lab Questions

  1. How many chromosomes were present before mitosis? (2.5 points)
  2. How many chromosomes did each of the daughter cells contain after mitosis? (2.5 points)
  3. Cite an example of a type of cell that undergoes mitosis. Why is it important for each daughter cell to contain information identical to the parent cell? (15 points)
  4. Human skin cells divide at a higher rate than neurons (nerve cells). Hypothesize why this may be. (15 points)
  5. Hypothesize what would happen if the sister chromatids did not split equally during anaphase of mitosis. (15 points)



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