BIOL202 Week 1 Lab 1; Microbiology Lab Safety
- $20.00
- Each question on the lab worksheet must be answered completely, thoroughly, in complete sentences and correctly in order to be considered for full credit
- If the question asks you to do research or find a source, a reputable, credible and/or scholarly source citation must be included in order to be considered for full credit
- If a math formula is required to arrive to an answer, work must be shown otherwise, no credit will be awarded
- What constitutes personal protective equipment? When should personal protective equipment be worn? Why is personal protective equipment important? (5 points)
- As part of lab safety procedure and before beginning an experiment, what must you do in order to be prepared to conduct the steps of the experiment? (5 points)
- Why are there increasing levels of biological containment procedures? What level of biological containment will be necessary to complete the experiments in this manual? (10 points)
- What document should you refer to if you have questions regarding the safety or disposal of a chemical? Where can this document be located? (10 points)
- Explain what the presence of dark to gray colored fuzzy colonies indicates on growth plates. (10 points)
Experiment 1 Data Tables
Image 1 (10 points): Image: Insert an image of your growth plate #1 (when it has colonies present). Identifier: Include your identifier clearly visible and written on a piece of white paper, your name, student ID and the current, submitted date included in the image with the growth plate.
(No credit for this lab will be provided unless both the growth plate and identifier are included in the same image and can be clearly identified).
Experiment 1 Post-Lab Questions
- What purpose did plating the yeast serve in this experiment? What purpose did the water serve? (10 points)
- Which of the two hand treatments grew the most colonies? (10 points)
- What effect does handwashing have on the presence of bacteria? (10 points)
- Were there any colonies present on plate #2? What could account for the presence of these colonies? (10 points)