BIOL251 W4 Quiz 3 - Results

Course : American Public
Contributed : Janine Villarino
  • $20.00
  • BIOL251 W4 Quiz 3 - Results
  1. Question: Capillaries that have a perforated lining are called ________ _.
  2. Question: The amount of blood pumped by either ventricle in one minute is called.
  3. Question: Cardiac output equals:
  4. Question: Venous return is affected by all EXCEPT:
  5. Question: The pulmonary arteries carry blood to the ____ _.
  6. Question: Which of the following does not play a role in blood pressure?
  7. Question: These control the blood flow through a capillary bed.
  8. Question: The following is a list of vessels. Place them in the order that blood would go through entering the systemic circulation. 1. Left ventricle 2. Aorta 3. Vena cavae 4. Pulmonary trunk 5. Pulmonary veins 6. Right atrium 7. Right ventricle 8. Left atrium
  9. Question: What is the sequence of layers of the blood vessels (veins or arteries) from outside to the inside?
  10. Question: The exchange of substances between the blood vessels and the surrounding tissues can only happen in the _________ _.



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