COUN 6250-4, COUN-6250D-4, Group Process and Dynamics Week 10 Final Exam (30 out of 30 points)

Course : Exams (Quiz, Midterm, Final Exam) Walden
Submitted : Updated 2023
Contributed : Ragbarsingh
  • $45.00
  • COUN 6250-4, COUN-6250D-4, Group Process and Dynamics Week 10 Final Exam (30 out of 30 points)
  1. Question: Because the practice of group counseling is growing rapidly, it is essential that group leaders be:
  2. Question: Jabir is a Muslim counselee. His counselor is unaware of many aspects of Muslim life, beliefs, etc. Teaching his counselor about these aspects of his life is, according to experts, likely to make him feel:
  3. Question: During the initial stage, interventions are aimed at providing encouragement. During the working stage, the leader will:
  4. Question: When forming a proposal for a group, which of the five general guideline areas would you ask yourself the question: does your proposal contain strategies for evaluating how well the stated objectives were met?
  5. Question: A behavior in which a group counselor addresses issues by setting an example of himself or herself is known as:
  6. Question: All of the following, according to Yalom (2005b), are stated benefits of cohesive groups EXCEPT:
  7. Question: Each member must actively work to open him- or herself to others and to addressing the issues that get in the way of doing so.
  8. Question: While group members are sharing extremely personal information, leaders can remind members about as a way of reassuring the member who is disclosing.
  9. Question: Leaders should avoid until they have earned that right by building a trusting relationship with the members.
  10. Question: Which of the following is a clear sign that trust is being built within the group?
  11. Question: Some members may lack understanding or experience in participating in groups, and their struggle to learn new behavior patterns should not be labeled as.
  12. Question: Some participants may engage in, believing they are really working, when in fact they are avoiding addressing and dealing with their own feelings.
  13. Question: _____in the emerging field of interpersonal neurobiology confirms that healing changes can occur in the brain when clients experience a warm, nonjudgmental, empathic relationship with a caring counselor.
  14. Question: A healing capacity develops within the group as members increasingly experience ___of who they are.
  15. Question: Many short-term psychoeducational groups are structured around:
  16. Question: Which of the following is NOT considered a critical-to-address characteristic of the Transition Stage?
  17. Question: Mort works in a position of authority. He is a college guidance counselor. He is now a member of a court-mandated group. When others speak of their problems, he is always the first to react, even at the risk of cutting off other would-be responders. He seems to speak more than any other member. His behaviors could legitimately be construed as:
  18. Question: Starting a session with a brief____ can set the group up to involve as many members as possible in productive work for that session.
  19. Question: Provide a valuable opportunity to reinforce and extend the benefits of the work done during therapy sessions.
  20. Question: Leaders have a responsibility to discuss any breaches with the group and to take action if a member:
  21. Question: Which of the following is a characteristic of a working group?
  22. Question: The major task is to provide the and the challenge necessary for members to face and resolve conflicts and negative reactions that exist within the group and certain behaviors that stem from their defenses against anxiety.
  23. Question: Abundant research indicates the centrality of____ as a primary factor in successful therapy, and this is inextricably intertwined with the outcome of psychotherapy.
  24. Question: Generally, refers to groups that are time limited, have a preset time for termination, have a process orientation, and are professionally led.
  25. Question: Potential additional weight, when screening group prospects, must be given to those who are deemed “difficult” as they:
  26. Question: Which of the following is NOT a prompt a leader will use when asking members to complete sentences?
  27. Question: The process of_____ encourages members to accept responsibility for the outcomes of a group and for changing the style in which they relate to others.
  28. Question: Are characterized by changing membership. As certain members leave, new members are admitted, and the group continues.
  29. Question: There is no steadfast rule as to when a leader should or should not.
  30. Question: The technique of is designed to help group members express and clarify concerns they have about their future.
  31. Question: Studies have determined that group therapy is:
  32. Question: _____underlies much of members’ behavior in the transitional phase.
  33. Question: Conflict is most likely to occur during which stage of a therapeutic group?
  34. Question: Members need to face the reality of_____ and learn how to say good-bye
  35. Question: Dan, a 34-year-old homosexual construction worker; April, a 21-year-old heterosexual single parent; and Sylvester, a 57-year-old Air Force retiree who underwent a bloodtransfusion two years ago have all been recently diagnosed as HIV-positive. All need to address the issues of coping and “getting on with life.” The appropriate setting for achieving this goal would be:
  36. Question: Ideally, informs your practice, and practice refines your approach to group work.
  37. Question: A competent therapist remains in the counseling process while maintaining openness about.
  38. Question: Personal, by the leader, can be useful when it is intentional and keeps the focus of attention on the group members rather than on the leader.
  39. Question: Even the thought of__ is sometimes overwhelming and can stop a person before he or she has begun.
  40. Question: A factor to be aware of when terminating a group is the leaders’ own history with___
  41. Question: _____focus on developing members’ cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills through a structured set of procedures within and across group meetings.
  42. Question: Alan and Arturo, members of a counseling group, have expressed similar feelings of inadequacy following divorce. Sensing this, the leader attempts to foster a line of communication regarding the commonality of the issue between these members. This attempt to build cohesiveness and interaction is known as:
  43. Question: One way for members to share their experience with others outside the group without breaking confidentiality or informed consent is:
  44. Question: The self-assessment of group leadership skills will help a beginning leader identify:
  45. Question: As members approach the ending of a group or are leaving an ongoing group, it is equally essential that they be encouraged to express their reactions. They may have fears or concerns about _____.
  46. Question: Group work often provides the potential to further a_____ agenda:
  47. Question: Groups provide a natural laboratory and a sense of_____ that demonstrates to people that they are not alone and that there is hope for creating a different life.
  48. Question: As members successfully interact with one another in the Working Stage, the leader can expect less to be directed toward himself or herself.
  49. Question: The importance of the_____ is a well-established critical component of effective therapy.
  50. Question: Which of the following is of paramount concern when screening and selecting potential group members?
  51. Question: ____is a form of feedback that is a basic part of a productive group, and also of any healthy relationship.
  52. Question: When you find yourself struggling with an ethical dilemma over a values conflict, the best course to follow is to:
  53. Question: A characteristic of many members in beginning groups is the tendency to:
  54. Question: The setting and reinforcement of clearly spelled-out group norms is a recommended way of ensuring group_____.
  55. Question: Limitations to confidentiality should be outlined:
  56. Question: The logistics of a group includes fees, cancellation policies, and:
  57. Question: Isabella continually refers to “Kyle” in what often proves to be lengthy tangents regarding her college years. The name itself evokes a high degree of passion. The group leader can/should:
  58. Question: ___encompasses the values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by a group of people.
  59. Question: If_____ (s) is/are brought to the forefront and dealt with constructively, a negative can be turned into something therapeutic.
  60. Question: Characteristics of a cohesive group include all of the following EXCEPT:

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