COUN 6720 Week 10 Final Exam (Fall Qtr)

Course : Exam Preparation for Walden Students
Submitted : Fall QTR
Contributed : Debbie Mitchell
  • $29.00
  • COUN 6720 Week 10 Final Exam (Fall Qtr)
  1. Question: Pica is most common among:
  2. Question: Pica involves:
  3. Question: Selective mutism generally occurs before the age of:
  4. Question: Agoraphobia refers to the fear of:
  5. Question: How old must a client be to have a diagnosis of enuresis?
  6. Question: Caroline presents to counseling with minimal impact to her social or occupational functioning. Her continued presenting problem is that her partner is having an affair. The counselor is unable to ascertain the evidence to support the accusations. Which of the following disorders best represents Caroline’s presentation?
  7. Question: Stevenisa6-year-oldboywhoishavingtroubleinschool.Hemeetsseveralofthe diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; however, you do not have enough information at this time to give a firm diagnosis. In such cases,what specifier can be used?
  8. Question: The acronym WHODAS refers to
  9. Question: Afemaleclientwhoreportsanexperiencewheretheworldaroundherappeared distorted as though she was looking at everything from inside a bubble mightbe describing:
  10. Question: Roberto is diagnosed with delusional disorder. He reports multiple incidents at work in which his coworkers have tried to steal his clients. Which subtype of delusional disorder best represents Roberto’s presenting symptoms?
  11. Question: Excessive concern about the acquisition of a serious illness might meet the diagnostic criteria for:
  12. Question: Steven has been picking his fingernail cuticles until they bleed, particularly whenhe is anxious. He has no history of self-injury or substance use. Steven likely has which disorder?
  13. Question: After a series of stressful events, Maria requires inpatient hospitalization to stabilize the sudden onset of hallucinations and delusions. After two weeks, Maria no longer experiences psychosis and she begins outpatient counseling to improve coping skills. Which of the following best represents the potential diagnosis for Maria?
  14. Question: Alex was admitted to a psychiatric facility after being picked up by the police. There were reports of his roaming the streets in the nude and talking to himself. Alex was experiencing delusions and hallucinations. His lab report findings indicated that he had high amounts of phencyclidine in his system. What is the first diagnosis you would consider for Alex?
  15. Question: Juan is diagnosed with schizophrenia. He has difficulty maintaining personal hygiene and completing household tasks. Which of the following best categorizes his symptoms?
  16. Question: Inability to remember pieces or the whole of one’s past for which there is no organic cause or medical explanation might lead to a diagnosis of:
  17. Question: Parasomnia refers to:
  18. Question: When would an other specified disorder be given?
  19. Question: Which of the following drugs is most likely to be fatal at first use?
  20. Question: The hallmark of social anxiety disorder is:
  21. Question: Circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder refers to:
  22. Question: How would you distinguish between acute stress disorder and PTSD?
  23. Question: Clients with may be self-conscious and embarrassed by their perceived bodily imperfections
  24. Question: Jeremy presents in counseling with anxiety due to job stress. Jeremy’s boss has recently criticized Jeremy’s job performance, largely because Jeremy does not work well on group projects. Jeremy does not like to participate in group projects because he is easily embarrassed and he feels inferior to his co-workers. Jeremy feels uncomfortable in social situations and reports that he feels very guarded in his personal relationships. Jeremy could possibly be diagnosed with:
  25. Question: The creation of different personalities to protect from traumatic experiences might be diagnosed as:
  26. Question: Which of the following best represents an example of a negative symptom in psychosis?
  27. Question: What differentiates an individual with panic disorder (PD) from those enduring occasional panic attacks?
  28. Question: Binge-eating disorder differs from regular overeating in that:
  29. Question: Angel routinely experiences episodes of panic. She identifies these as “attacks” and states that she spends a great deal of time worrying about having another attack. Which diagnosis would seem to be most appropriate for Angel?
  30. Question: John is 19 years old and was recently court ordered to counseling after attempting to rob a local gas station. He has been arrested numerous times for shoplifting, vandalism, and other misdemeanors. John dropped out of school at the age of 15 after being suspended numerous times for fighting. It is possible that John could be diagnosed with:



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