iHuman Beth Brown V5 - Full Case
- $25.00
Problem Statement on case Beth Brown V5.1 PC PL
B.B. is a 16-year-old female with complaint of frequent severe headaches x 10-12 weeks. Unilateral left sided pain also behind the eye. Rates the pain 8-10/10 and that it prohibits her from doing ADLs. The headache sometimes lasts up to 15 hours. She said she has light sensitivity, loud noise sensitivity, nausea, and vomited once. She reports the headache is an intense throbbing pain related to not having enough sleep or eating junk food and chocolate. Reports visual distortions, a “thin veil” at edges prior to these headaches. She can get relief by lying in a dark room, sleeping, and taking Tylenol/Aleve. She also reports a less severe headache that presents “band like” around the forehead and tense neck and shoulders. She can get relief with Tylenol/Aleve, and hot showers. She believes these headaches are positional. Mother has a history of headaches. Physical exam she has no neurological changes.