NRNP 6531 iHuman Case Study - Beth Brown

Course : Walden
Submitted : Uploaded 2023
Contributed : Kate
  • $20.00
  • NRNP 6531 iHuman Case Study - Beth Brown



Below is the template you are to follow when developing your management plan. It is to be completed as a Word document and then you can copy and paste it in to iHuman. Also, always be sure to complete the EMR on the case. Use this template with each case. It is not a SOAP format as that is not required. 30 points will be deducted for not utilizing the template. 


Primary Diagnosis and ICD-10 code: Also include any procedural codes.


Migraine headache (G43.909)- Migraine headaches are a type of headache that varies in intensity and causes throbbing pain usually on one side of your head (New ways to manage migraines, 2018). Individuals may experience an aura before the onset of a migraine, an aura is a neurological event, typically a visual disturbance such as a pulsing or flashing light, blurriness, or even partial loss of vision (New ways to manage migraines, 2018). Other symptoms individuals may report is sensitivity to light, nausea, occasional vomiting, and phonophobia (New ways to manage migraines, 2018). They usually would rather retreat to a dark quiet room and sleep off the migraine (New ways to manage migraines, 2018). A migraine can last anywhere from hours to a few days depending on the severity of the headache (New ways to manage migraines, 2018). A migraine can be very debilitating to the point where the person miss days from work, and miss out on pleasurable activities and time with family (New ways to manage migraines, 2018). In order to receive a diagnosis of migraine headache, the headache must last between 4 and 72 hours, it’s typically on one side of the head, with the characteristics of a throbbing/pounding sensation, and moderate to severe pain that gets worse with physical activity (New ways to manage migraines, 2018). The individual has to experience at least 5 attacks that meet most or all of these criteria in order to be diagnosed with migraine (New ways to manage migraines, 2018).......... Continue


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