NRNP 6531 Week 10 iHuman Assignment - Erin Davis

Course : Walden
Submitted : Uploaded 2023
Contributed : Andy Gutierrez
  • $20.00
  • NRNP 6531 Week 10 iHuman Assignment - Erin Davis

Week 10 iHuman Assignment –


Erin Davis


20- year-old female 5’6” 115 lbs.


Reason for encounter: Headache

Observations: Appears withdrawn, but a bit on edge. Looks away. Poor eye contact.

Skin is warm and dry.


    1. How can I help you today?
    2. • I have a bad headache. • When did your headache start? • I don’t know, a while ago.
      1. I don’t know, a while ago.
    3. What are the events surrounding the start of your headache?
      1. I don’t know, but this morning things got a little stressful…Oh, you know, like my boyfriend was angry that I was taking too long to shower and that I hadn’t gotten the

cerebral he likes to have (looks away).

    1. Where more precisely is the pain in your head?
      1. Everywhere.
    2. How severe (1-10 scale) is your headache?
      1. I don’t know…that’s hard to say
    3. Have you had a headache like this before?
      1. Yeah I’ve had these before.
    4. Is this the worst headache of your life?
      1. No, I’ve had headaches like this before, and worse ones too.
    5. What does the pain in your back feel like?
      1. It’s kind of dull, like a bad pressure. Kind of like if there were a tight circle or cap around my head.
    6. How often do you have headaches like this?
      1. Maybe, like, about 3 times a week.
    7. How long does your headache last?
      1. I don’t know
    8. Does anything make your headache better or worse?
      1. No, I don’t think so.
    9. Does the pain in your head someplace else?
      1. No, its just a headache. Where would it go?
    10. Is there a pattern to when your headache occurs?
      1. Yeah, no…not really.
    11. Do you have any symptoms that occur at the same time as your headache?


      1. Like what?
  • Does your headache come and go?
        1. Don’t all headaches come and go.
  • Does your headache pulsate?
        1. Uh, no, I don’t think so.
  • How quickly does your headache come on?
        1. They build up pretty slowly.
  • Do you have any awareness or warning symptoms that occur before the headache begins?
        1. Sometimes, yes, sometimes no. It’s hard to remember each one.
  • Has there been any change in your headache over time?
        1. I’m getting them more often I guess.
  • What treatments have you had for your headache?
        1. Oh, you know, I’ve seen doctors before. I take acetaminophen or ibuprofen or both. I haven’t taken anything today. I wanted to be checked out without it……….. Continue



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