NRNP 6531 Week 10 iHuman Performance Overview on case Ava Cruz (mental health)

Course : Walden
Submitted : Fall Session
Contributed : Kristine
  • $20.00
  • NRNP 6531 Week 10 iHuman Performance Overview on case Ava Cruz (mental health)

Miss Cruz is a 20 y/o HF who presents to the clinic with a dull headache 3xweekly. She is estranged from her family after moving in with her boyfriend upon who she is financially dependent. She is noted to having bruising on the left breast in an advanced healing stage and 4 linear bruises to upper left arm measuring 6 cm x 1 cm. She avoids eye contact and direct questioning regarding assault. She has no significant trauma to head, no visual disturbances, and her CN are grossly intact.



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