NRNP 6531 Week 9 iHuman Assignment - Gloria Jenkins

Course : Walden
Submitted : Uploaded 2023
Contributed : Andy Gutierrez
  • $20.00
  • NRNP 6531 Week 9 iHuman Assignment - Gloria Jenkins

Week 9 iHuman Assignment –


Gloria Jenkins


   65-year-old female 5’6” 130 lbs.


  Reason for encounter: “My back really hurts.”



    1. How can I help you today?
      1. My back really hurts.
    2. When did the pain in your back start?
      1. Two days ago
    3. What are the events surrounding the start of your back pain?
      1. I was rearranging heavy tables at the restaurant where I work. I do it all the time, but this time I must have moved them wrong..
    4. Where more precisely is the pain in your back?
      1. It’s in my lower back. It starts right here (puts the palm of her hand on her lower back)
    5. How often does this back pain occur?
      1. I’ve never had anything quite like this before.
    6. How long does your back pain last?
      1. I hope it won’t last long. This is horrible!
    7. What does the pain in your back feel like?
      1. Sharp.
    8. Does anything make the pain in your back better or worse?
      1. Move hurts more. Even rolling over in bed…or walking.
    9. Does the pain in your back radiate someplace else? Where?
      1. I have pain in my right leg now also.
    10. What treatments have you had for the pain in your back?
      1. Nothing.
    11. Does the pain in your back come and go?
      1. I wish it would go….No, it’s continuous.
    12. How severe (1-10 scale) is the pain in your back?
      1. About 7.
    13. Does the pain get better when you bend forward or sit?
      1. No! Absolutely not!
    14. Does the pain in your back keep you from sleeping?
      1. Yes. It really hurts!
    15. Does your pain awaken you from sleep?
      1. I find it difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep.
    16. Does walking or standing for a long time bring on the pain?


      1. Yeah, that makes it feel worse.
  • How did you injure yourself?
        1. It happened at work. I should have known better.
  • Have you recently lifted something heavy or used your back in unusual ways or postures?
        1. I am constantly moving heavy tables around and do a lot of physical labor at my job……….. Continue



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