NRNP 6531 Week 9 iHuman Case Gloria Jenkins

Course : Walden
Submitted : Uploaded 2023
Contributed :
  • $20.00
  • NRNP 6531 Week 9 iHuman Case Gloria Jenkins

Performance Overview on case Gloria Jenkins


History Notecard on case Gloria Jenkins


Problem Statement on case Gloria Jenkins

G.J. is a 65-year-old Caucasian female who presents to the clinic with acute low back pain starting two days ago after moving heavy tables at work. Pain is 7/10, radiating to right buttock and right leg. Describes pain as sharp and continuous, aggravated by moving, not relieved by anything though the patient has not tried any medication for pain. Denies falls or trauma to affected areas. Denies bowel/bladder dysfunction and numbness or tingling. Physical exam revealed RLE motor and sensory deficit, hyporeflexia of right patella tendon, and positive straight leg test and contralateral straight leg tests. History of osteoporosis, hypertension, TAHBSO, asthma with prolonged steroid use, and 40-year tobacco use.


Management Plan on case Gloria Jenkins

  • Primary Diagnosis
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Medication
  • Supportive care
  • In case of repeat occurrence
  • Follow up/Disposition
  • Problem Statement
  • Hx card – COMPLETED
  • Health Promotion
  • References

Electronic Health Record on case Gloria Jenkins

  • History of Present Illness
  • Past Medical History
  • Medications
  • Allergies
  • Preventive Health
  • Family History
  • Social History
  • Review of Systems
  • Physical Exams



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