NRNP 6541 Week 4 Assignment; i-Human Ramona Frankel
- $15.00
NRNP 6541 Week 4 Assignment; i-Human Ramona Frankel
Patient Information: RF, 6-year-old, Caucasian, Female
CC (chief complaint): Red eye
HPI: Ramona is a 6-year-old female who presents today with her mother with complaints of redness to her right eye. The redness began 3 days ago and is associated with purulent discharge that becomes worse overnight. She has red conjunctiva with purulent exudate of the right eye without pain, tenderness, or swelling. Left eye normal appearing. She has had nasal congestion for 3 days. The mother reports that 2 other children from school have similar symptoms.
Ramona was sent home from school today with instructions that she was to be evaluated before returning to school. Physical exam with findings of right eye conjunctival injection and purulent discharge. There is no decreased vision or ulcerations. Nasal passages normal appearing. No significant past medical history.
Current meds: None
Allergies: NKDA
Pertinent PMHx: Ramona is in general good health. No pertinent past medical history noted. She is up to date on immunizations and has regular check-ups............ Continue