NRNP 6541 Week 4 iHuman Assignment - Nick Roberts

Course : Course
Submitted : Uploaded 2023
Contributed : Andy Gutierrez
  • $20.00
  • NRNP 6541 Week 4 iHuman Assignment - Nick Roberts

Nick Roberts

  1. year-old male

2’10” 27 lbs. (12.3 kg)

Reason for encounter: Runny nose, cough, fever Observations: Patient is laying on exam table.

Skin is warm and dry..


    1. How can I help him today?
      1. Patient’s mother (Renee) reports that 2 days ago he started with a runny nose and cough. Then yesterday the daycare sent him home for a fever. He has been fussy

this morning as well and he had a fever. So now we’re on day 3 of him not being well. I was hoping to get some medication for his cough today because I’m not sure what is making him so fussy!

    1. Does he have any other symptoms or concerns we should discuss?
      1. Besides the cough, fever, runny nose, and fussiness…he has also not been eating as well. He has been drinking his milk normally, about 18 ounces of while milk

per day. But his appetite for food has been a little decreased. He seems to be a little picky the last couple of days.

    1. How high is his fever?
      1. The highest it has been at home is 101F. The daycare sent him home yesterday for a fever of 100.9F.
    2. What treatments has he had for his fever?
      1. Tylenol every 4 hours when he has a fever. It goes away with Tylenol but returns about 4 hours later.
    3. Does his fever keep him from sleeping?
      1. He woke up several times last night crying with a fever.
    4. When did his cough start?
      1. 2 days ago
    5. Does anything make his cough better or worse?
      1. Not really.
    6. Is he coughing up any sputum?
      1. No.


    1. Has there been any change in his cough over time?
      1. It hasn’t really changed.
    2. What treatments has he had for his cough?
      1. Nothing
    3. When did his runny nose/nasal congestion start?
      1. Two days ago.
    4. Does anything make his runny nose/nasal congestion better or worse?
      1. Not really.
    5. What treatments has he had for his runny nose/nasal congestion?……….. Continue



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