NRNP 6541 Week 6 Quiz-Knowledge Check
- $20.00
- Question: Sarah, 7 years old, is in the office today. All of the following are acceptable management options for allergic rhinitis, except
- Question: Hannah, age 4, is brought into the office by her father. She complains of a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, copious oral secretions, stridor, and a temperature of 102F. She does not have pharyngeal erythema or cough. What do you suspect?
- Question: Sam has an otitis media. He also presents with conjunctivitis. This is due to which organism?
- Question: An 8-year-old female is brought into the office by her mother. She has complaints of fever and sore throat for the past 2 days. She denies difficulty swallowing but has loss of appetite and mild diarrhea. A few classmates have similar symptoms. A review of systems reveals clear nasal drainage, dry cough, and hoarseness. On exam she has a 101.5
- Question: Which of the following is true regarding the diagnosis of epiglottitis?
- Question: Epiglottitis has decreased due to which immunization?
- Question: Mark, a 10-year-old, has a lot of ear pain. He does not want anyone to touch it and is crying in pain. The ear canal is swollen and exudate is present. The TM is normal. What is the proper management for his patient?
- Question: Which of the following foreign body in the nose requires immediate removal?
- Question: Which of the following complication of strep pharyngitis cannot be prevented with antibiotics?
- Question: A mother brings her 4-week-old infant into the office because she noticed small yellow-white glistening bumps on her infant's gums. She says they look like teeth but is concerned that they may be cancer. You diagnose these bumps as
- Question: You see a patient you believe has folliculitis. What medication would be the best to treat this patient? The patient has no allergies.
- Question: A mother states document this as:
- Question: Grace, age 15, has been diagnosed with acne. Which of the following is nottrue with this condition?
- Question: A 16-year-old is brought in as a walk-in by his parents. His parents state that he acutely developed a fever, chills and rash. He has been confused and not answering their questions. On examination he is toxically ill appearing, and is febrile, tachycardic and hypotensive. He is noted to have a diffuse petechial rash. What is the most likely diagnosis?
- Question: While doing a 5-year-old well child exam, you notice two small patches of hair loss. Broken hair is present, as is erythema and scaling. On the basis of this information, which of these is the likely diagnosis?
- Question: Newborn R.T. has a vascular lesion that will not fade as she gets older. What is your diagnosis?
- Question: While assessing should be ruled out?
- Question: A 16-year-old presents with pharyngitis, cough, and high fever. Her chest x-ray reveals bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Her white blood cell count is normal and the neutrophil count is normal. The most likely etiology is
- Question: Chelsea, age 8, complains that she feels as if something is stuck in her ear. What action is contraindicated?
- Question: Conductive hearing loss can be caused by