NRNP 6552 Week 11 Final Exam Review

Course : NRNP 6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive Health Care
Contributed : Martinez
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  • NRNP 6552 Week 11 Final Exam Review


Abdominal pain cause: round ligament pain

Abortion, spontaneous: loss of fetus of less than 20-22 weeks. 25% of all pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion.

AFP-all can cause increase in maternal AFP except: Meningomyelocele. (open neural tube defect, Down’s syndrome, underestimated gestational age).

Amniocentesis: done @ 15-18 weeks.

ART, Ethical testing with: can reject embryos affected by inherited disease.

ASCUS: atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance.

Asthma management: Beta 2 agonists, theophylline, epi, cromolyn & glucocorticoids ok to use. Asthma Bronchospasms improve during: 8-13 weeks gestation.

Augmentation: Stimulation of uterus by external agent to enhance contractions.

Biophysical profile. Fetal tone, breathing, motion, amniotic fluid volume, non-stress test. Bleeding, vaginal, painless, normal VS, normal FHT, soft uterus @ 37 weeks= Placenta previa. 3rd trimester bleeding = placenta previa

Blood serum Hcg detects Hcg: 8-10 days after fertilization.

BMI: increases 20-25% during pregnancy........................... Continue


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