NRNP 6552 Week 6 MidtermFall Session

Course : NRNP 6552 Advanced Nurse Practice in Reproductive Health Care
Contributed : martinez
  • $49.00
  • NRNP 6552 Week 6 MidtermFall Session
  1. Question: Serum FSH indirectly measures ovarian function, with levels of FSH indicating normally functioning ovaries.
  2. Question: Endometrial polyps are most commonly identified by:
  3. Question: Clinicians can participate in primary sexual violence prevention by applying individual prevention skills, such as:
  4. Question: A waiting period of between bariatric surgery and pregnancy is recommended.
  5. Question: Barriers for providers related to intimate partner violence screening include:
  6. Question: Hirsutism is defined as:
  7. Question: A pharmacologic treatment for patients with Hydradenitis Suppurativa (HI) may include
  8. Question: When looking from a feminist perspective at research studies, one of the great concerns is that:
  9. Question: Most malignancies in breast tissue occur in:
  10. Question: On vaginal exam you find that Polly’s cervix is in the most common position, which is:
  11. Question: All organizations recommend beginning screening mammograms in average-risk women at age ___ .
  12. Question: Jenna comes in complaining of intense itching in the vaginal area. She also has some itching in the vulvar area. It is really bad after she has intercourse. In gathering her history, she tells you she had an ear infection a few weeks ago and took amoxicillin for it but otherwise, has been healthy. On exam, you note a thick, white, lumpy discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese. The vulva is red and swollen as are the labial folds. There is no strong odor. The most likely diagnosis is:
  13. Question: The most common pathogen leading to urinary tract infection is:
  14. Question: In women, fertility declines gradually beginning at age __and more rapidly after age .
  15. Question: The test for the fishy odor that occurs in bacterial vaginosis is called the:
  16. Question: A person whose gender identity is the same as their sex when he or she was born is:
  17. Question: A progesterone challenge test that produces withdrawal bleeding is indicative of:
  18. Question: When conducting qualitative research, data can be derived from:
  19. Question: For women at high risk for breast cancer, ACS recommends annual screening with mammography and ___ beginning at age 30..
  20. Question: The frontline analgesics for painful menstrual cramps are:
  21. Question: Emergency contraception therapy may be given to a woman who seeks treatment immediately following sexual assault. It may be given within hours of the
  22. Question: Reproductive coercion includes behaviors:
  23. Question: The least invasive way to assess bladder capacity is through:
  24. Question: Clinicians are required to report certain STIs to their state public health officials. These include:
  25. Question: Approximately of infertility cases are due to female factors and                       are due to malefactors.
  26. Question: The majority of female infertility is due to:
  27. Question: The contraceptive implant that is currently available in the U.S. is:
  28. Question: When concerned about ectopic pregnancy in a patient with abdominal pain, two diagnostic aids include:
  29. Question: In fertility related to is a common problem among women who are obese.
  30. Question: The__ is a sensitive organ that is typically described as the female homologue of the penis.
  31. Question: Women in the following profession have a higher rate of UTI
  32. Question: The use of a pain rating scale may assist the clinician to comprehend the intensity of a woman’s pain. Example(s) of pain rating scale(s) include:
  33. Question: An endometrial biopsy can be done in the office setting. It has a__overall accuracy in diagnosing endometrial
  34. Question: Margaret has several risk factors for osteoporosis. She is 72 years old, is a 30-pack year smoker, and has never had children. Which one of these risk factors was non modifiable?
  35. Question: Uterine fibroids are also known as:
  36. Question: Just prior to ovulation, rising levels of estradiol increases the amount of cervical mucus, making it:
  37. Question: The ___ glands are oil-producing glands on the areola that protect and lubricate the nipple during lactation.
  38. Question: Nearly pregnant women have been abused by the
  39. Question: Female orgasmic disorder is present when there is a marked delay in, marked infrequency of, or absence of orgasm or reduced intensity of orgasm sensations that last more than            .
  40. Question: The most common symptoms of uterine cancer are:
  41. Question: Neisseria gonorrhea is a ___ bacteria
  42. Question: A type of contraceptive that does not contain hormones is:
  43. Question: Approximately 50% to 70% of women with PCOS are insulin resistant. Insulin resistance often results in:
  44. Question: The endometrial cycle has three phases, which are:
  45. Question: The following symptoms are consistent with PMS except:
  46. Question: Ovarian failure is diagnosed when estrogen production is identified while the serum FSH is____.
  47. Question: The term used to describe painful cramps that occur with menstruation is:
  48. Question: Pelvic support structures include:
  49. Question: All of the following are risk factors for UTI, except:
  50. Question: The is often considered the most important muscle of the pelvic
  51. Question: Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) include all of the following except:
  52. Question: Criteria for clinical diagnosis of bacterial vaginos is include the presence of three out of four of the following Amsel criteria:
  53. Question: First line pharmacologic treatment for women with PCOSis/are:
  54. Question: The American Cancer Society (ACS) has recently updated its colorectal cancer screening guidelines. The new guidelines recommend screening average-risk patients for that disease at age ___ .
  55. Question: Metabolic syndrome typically includes the following except:
  56. Question: Martha is a 65-year-old woman who is a new patient to you. In telling you her history, she states that she has a history of a rare type of breast She cannot remember the name of it but tells you that it also involved itchy eczema-like nipple changes. With this info and your knowledge of breast cancer, you surmise that she may be referring to:
  57. Question: A progesterone challenge test that produces withdrawal bleeding is indicative of:
  58. Question: Marianne presents for a well woman exam. In gathering her history, she tells you she has been pregnant 3 times. She has two children, both born at 39 weeks, and had one miscarriage. Using the GTPAL system, you note that in her chart as the following
  59. Question: On vaginal exam you find that Polly’s cervix is in the most common position, which is:
  60. Question: Emergency contraception therapy may be given to a woman who seeks treatment immediately following sexual assault. It may be given within hours of the
  61. Question: For women at high risk for breast cancer, ACS recommends annual screening with mammo graphy and beginning at age 30.
  62. Question: A cluster of mild to moderate physical and psychological symptoms that occur during the late luteal phase of menses and resolve with menstruation is the definition of
  63. Question: Olivia presents with a complaint of “bumps” around her vagina. They are non painful and non pruritic. Upon inspection, you note several flesh colored and pearly white papules with depressed centers. This appearance is characteristic of:
  64. Question: Pelvic muscle exercises, where the woman performs a repetitive pelvic floor muscle contraction regimen are known as:
  65. Question: The USPTF, ACOG, and ACS all recommend pap tests to begin at:
  66. Question: Martha is a 65-year-old woman who is a new patient to you. In telling you her history, she states that she has a history of a rare type of breast cancer. She cannot remember the name of it but tells you that it also involved itchy eczema-like nipple changes. With this info and your knowledge of breast cancer, you surmise that she may be referring to:
  67. Question: In women, fertility declines gradually beginning at age and more rapidly after age       .
  68. Question: The name of the act in the U.S. that addresses domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking is:
  69. Question: Patients identified as being at increased risk for Sexually Transmitted Infections need to receive information about risk factors and ways to reduce the likelihood of infection. This would include:
  70. Question: “A movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression” is a definition for:
  71. Question: Barriers for providers related to intimate partner violence screening include:
  72. Question: In fertility related to is a common problem among women who are obese.
  73. Question: Clinicians can participate in primary sexual violence prevention by applying individual prevention skills, such as:
  74. Question: Uterine fibroids are also known as:
  75. Question: A waiting period of between bariatric surgery and pregnancy is recommended.
  76. Question: Approximately 50% to 70% of women with PCOS are insulin resistant. Insulin resistance often results in:
  77. Question: The endometrial cycle has three phases, which are:
  78. Question: The frontline analgesics for painful menstrual cramps are:
  79. Question: Angela just adopted an 11-year-old from another country. Unfortunately, there are no records of previous immunizations on this child. When discussing immunizations, you mention that the child needs several, including the MMR. Angela asks you what MMR stands for. You tell her:
  80. Question: The least invasive way to assess bladder capacity is through:
  81. Question: The majority of female infertility is due to:
  82. Question: Endometriosis is:
  83. Question: The timing of an adolescent growth spurt typically occurs in puberty than it does for boys.
  84. Question: Serum FSH indirectly measures ovarian function, with levels of FSH indicating normally functioning ovaries.
  85. Question: The following is/are risk factor(s) for bacterial vaginosis. Answers:
  86. Question: The most common type of UTI affecting women is:
  87. Question: Bone density testing for osteoporosis should start at age for women and age      for men.
  88. Question: When using the FIGO staging classification for cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, and peritoneum, Stage I means:
  89. Question: When looking from a feminist perspective at research studies, one of the great concerns is that:
  90. Question: When concerned about ectopic pregnancy in a patient with abdominal pain, two diagnostic aids include:
  91. Question: Metabolic syndrome typically includes the following except:
  92. Question: Lichen plan us is typically treated with:
  93. Question: To avoid the development of Bartholin’s gland cysts, women should:
  94. Question: Endometrial polyps are most commonly identified by:
  95. Question: are easily sensitized and become engorged with blood during sexual arousal.
  96. Question: Infected hair follicles on the vulvar skin that are small and scattered often occur because of:
  97. Question: The glands are oil-producing glands on the areola that protect and lubricate the nipple during lactation.
  98. Question: Nearly pregnant women have been abused by the partner.
  99. Question: The following are risk factors for endometrial cancer.
  100. Question: One of the reasons that substance use is a concern in LBQ and TGNC communities is:
  101. Question: Neisseria go norrheaisa bacteria



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