NRNP 6568 Week 2 Knowledge Check - Professional Practices (10 out of 10 Points)
- $20.00
- Question: How can an NP prevent lawsuits?
- Question: Medicare is a program that is … by the federal government.
- Question: Standard of care is the use of unreasonable, extraordinary care, skill, and diligence as an NP in the type of patient practice in similar cases.
- Question: Federal law supports NPs full hospital privileges without physician supervision.
- Question: What is the name of the organization that collects information … by state boards against NP licensure and certification?
- Question: Name four of the seven vital signs that can … when documenting the constitutional part of the general multisystem examination
- Question: Patient handoff means to the transfer of care of a patient from one practitioner to another.
- Question: What is it … when an NP bills for a higher level of visit than actually was … ?
- Question: A provider may be terribly negligent, but if there is no injury, there is no malpractice. True or False?
- Question: AMA stands for against medical advice