NRNP 6568 Week 7 Comprehensive Practice Questions (All Correct)

Course : NRNP 6568 Synthesis in Advanced Nursing Practice Care of Patients in Family Care Settings
Contributed : Janille Bushai
  • $29.00
  • NRNP 6568 Week 7 Comprehensive Practice Questions (All Correct)
  1. Question: Andrew is a 37 y/o male who comes to the clinic with the following symptoms: insomnia, feelings of worthlessness, and being easily fatigued. Given his symptoms the most likely diagnosis would be:
  2. Question: Which vaccine is required at birth of a newborn?
  3. Question: Andrew, a 41 y/o male resident of Oklahoma, presents to the clinic in July with the following symptoms: fever, chills, severe headache photophobia, and myalgia. He states that since his fever occurred 2 days ago, he now has this rash of petechiae on wrists, forearms, and ankles. The first line pharmacological treatment for Andrew would include:
  4. Question: Jane is a 57 y/o female whose husband of 35 years just passed away in the past 6 months. Jane comes to the clinic and says: “I cry all the time. I can’t sleep, I have no energy, I have lost 20 pounds in the past 2 months, and I get easily agitated. What’s wrong with me?”
  5. Question: Ann is a primigravida in her 35th week of pregnancy and presents to the clinic with severe recurrent headaches, blurred vision, pitting edema, and right upper quadrant pain. Additionally, she has oliguria, nausea, and vomiting. Her urine protein is >1+. Her most likely diagnosis is:
  6. Question: Jay is a 72 y/o male who comes to the clinic with the following chief complaint: “I have been feeling very tired recently and having trouble breathing when I go upstairs. I noticed that my ankles and feet are swollen and I have been putting on weight.” The most likely diagnosis for this patient is:
  7. Question: Adela is a 38 y/o overweight female who presents to the clinic with RUQ pain that occurs approximately 1 hour after eating a fatty meal. The most likely diagnosis for Adela is:
  8. Question: Cellulitis is usually caused by a gram-negative bacterium.
  9. Question: Martin is a 17y/o male who comes to the clinic with the following chief complaint: “I have pain around my belly button and have had no appetite for the past 24 hours. I have had some nausea and have vomited three times. I have had a low-grade fever also.” During the clinical exam, the NP notices that Martin has some guarding and rebound tenderness in the RLQ. The most likely diagnosis for this patient is:
  10. Question: Amanda was out hiking with her boyfriend in the woods. When she gets home, she notices that she has an inflammatory skin reaction caused by something she picked up in the woods. The next day she sees bright red pruritic lesions on her lower extremities that are moist and painful. Treatment for Amanda’s condition would include which of the following?
  11. Question: Michael is 2 months old and his mother brings him to the clinic for his 2-month vaccinations. Which is the correct combination of vaccines that he needs?
  12. Question: Andrew, a 41 y/o male resident of Oklahoma, presents to the clinic in July with the following symptoms: fever, chills, severe headache photophobia, and myalgia. He states that since his fever occurred 2 days ago, he now has this rash of petechiae on wrists, forearms, and ankles. The NP, based on these data, diagnoses Andrew with:
  13. Question: Carter, a 74 y/o male, comes for his annual physical exam and the NP notes that he has a very loud murmur with her scope off his chest, and that there is also an obvious thrill. This would describe which grade of murmur?
  14. Question: John is a 26 y/o Caucasian male who works as a landscaper for his father’s business. During the past couple of months, he has noticed a small dark popular lesion on his neck. He states that it sometimes bleeds and is a “sore that never heals.” The NP notes that he has a circumscribed 2mm lesion at the base of his neck just below the hairline. The most appropriate treatment for John’s lesion would be:
  15. Question: Sara is a 38 y/o multipara who is in her 6th–7th month of pregnancy with her fourth child. She has a new onset of vaginal bleeding that is worsened by intercourse. On external physical exam, you note that her uterus is soft and non-tender to palpation. If Sara started having uterine cramping, then the most appropriate immediate treatment would be:
  16. Question: John is a 7 y/o whose mother brings him to the clinic with the following chief complaint: “He fidgets and squirms all the time. His teachers tell me he has difficulty remaining in his seat, talks excessively, can’t wait for his turn, interrupts conversations, and acts like a robot.” After evaluation, the NP determines that he probably has which of the following:
  17. Question: Sara is a 38 y/o multipara who is in her 6th–7th month of pregnancy with her fourth child. She has a new onset of vaginal bleeding that is worsened by intercourse. On external physical exam, you note that her uterus is soft and non-tender to palpation. The most likely diagnosis for this condition is:
  18. Question: Bobby is a 20 y/o African American male who comes to the clinic with the following presentation. His BMI is >85% for his age and sex. His PMH indicates hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and acanthosis nigricans. Based on his PMH and presenting symptoms, the NP would most likely be inclined to identify him as having:
  19. Question: Martin is a 17 y/o male who comes to the clinic with the following chief complaint: “I have pain around my belly button and have had no appetite for the past 24 hours. I have had some nausea and have vomited three times. I have had a low-grade fever also.” During the clinical exam, the NP notices that Martin has some guarding and rebound tenderness in the RLQ. In the physical exam, the NP performs some abdominal maneuvers. What would be the most appropriate maneuvers for Martin’s symptomatology?
  20. Question: According to the CDC, an infant can start receiving live attenuated vaccine at 6 months of age.
  21. Question: Dylan is a 22 y/o Type 1 diabetic. He eats 40 grams of carbohydrates for lunch. If he follows the 450 Rule, and wants to dose himself with Rapid Acting Insulin (RA) to compensate for the increased carbohydrates, then he would give himself how much RA insulin:
  22. Question: Diagnostic studies for Type II diabetes mellitus would include which of the following:
  23. Question: The use of steroids in the treatment of fungal infections will worsen the infection.
  24. Question: The typical ratio of basal to bolus insulin is:
  25. Question: Andre is a 52 y/o construction worker who stayed home today because he was having severe chest pain. His wife calls the clinic and describes his symptoms as: squeezing chest tightness, with pain that radiates to the left side of his neck, jaw, and left arm. The NP’s immediate response should be to tell the wife:
  26. Question: The CDC recommends that after a child receives a vaccine (s)he should be monitored for:
  27. Question: Sara is a 38 y/o multipara who is in her 6th–7th month of pregnancy with her fourth child. She has a new onset of vaginal bleeding that is worsened by intercourse. On external physical exam, you note that her uterus is soft and non-tender to palpation. Knowing that her cervix is not dilated, the most appropriate treatment would be:
  28. Question: Mark is an alcoholic who is stopped for drunk driving. When the officers approach him he states that he wants to die. The officers decide that for his own protection they will Baker Act him. The Baker Act allows for involuntary detention for what period.
  29. Question: Maria is a 26 y/o female in her third trimester of pregnancy. She has a sudden onset of vaginal bleeding and has a hypertonic uterus. She has a history of hypertension secondary to previous cocaine use. Her most likely diagnosis would be:
  30. Question: Bonnie is a 76 y/o female patient who resides in a nursing home. She is currently on a 10-day course of Clindamycin for a recurrent bacterial vaginal infection. She has started having 10–15 watery stools per day. The NP recognizes this as:

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