NRNP 6645 Week 6 Midterm Exam

Course : Walden
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  • NRNP 6645 Week 6 Midterm Exam

  1. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse realizes which of the following regarding workbook exercises in therapy?
  2. Question: According to Freud, failure to successfully accomplish the tasks of learning independence and control is associated with which of the following problematic traits?
  3. Question: During the initial phase of family therapy one person is identified as “the problem”. The family therapist challenges linearity by which of the following?
  4. Question: Staff in an independent living facility notice that Mr. Smith, a 75-year-old male resident is alone most of the time and seems to have alienated most of the other residents and staff. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse understands that from Erikson’s psychosocial stages perspective he is dealing with which psychosocial stage of development?
  5. Question: While working with a patient who exhibits parasuicidal behaviors of cutting, the advanced practice psychiatric nurse has the patient sign a no-suicide contract. Which of the following is true from a legal perspective about a no-suicidal contract?
  6. Question: Common patterns of behavior and experience derived from the settings in which people live is known as which of the following?
  7. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse using a Bowenian Therapy approach in working with families realizes:
  8. Question: Recommending or prescribing specific readings related to the individual’s difficulties is known as which of the following?
  9. Question: The capacity to be alone is known as which of the following?
  10. Question: “If I was in a relationship, all of my problems would be solved” is an example of which type of cognitive distortion?
  11. Question: Hildegard Peplau developed the psychodynamic interpersonal model for psychiatric nursing based on which theorist’s framework?
  12. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with the underlying assumptions of psychodynamic psychotherapy?
  13. Question: The change agent in relational psychodynamic therapy is which of the following?
  14. Question: According to Erikson’s Psychosocial stages failure to successfully resolve trust vs mistrust conflict is associated with which of the following pathological outcomes?
  15. Question: The quality of the therapeutic relationship is most closely linked to which school of therapy?
  16. Question: According to Freud’s Psychosexual stages development of sexual identity occurs during what age range?
  17. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with therapeutic process of the corrective recapitulation of the primary family group in group psychotherapy?
  18. Question: According to Freud’s Psychosexual Stages framework a patient exhibiting excessive envy and jealousy failed to successfully manage anxiety during which stage?
  19. Question: Evidenced based guidelines for patient treatment are based on which of the following?
  20. Question: Which of the following is consistent with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? 
  21. Question: Yalom identifies eleven primary factors to describe the therapeutic benefit of group psychotherapy. Which of the following statements is not consistent with these factors?
  22. Question: Which of the following is consistent with literature regarding suicide. 
  23. Question: What distinguishes psychoanalytic therapy from other types of therapies?
  24. Question: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions focus on
  25. Question: Which of the following is inconsistent with Socratic Dialogue basic rules for the therapist?
  26. Question: Schizoid personality is a pathological outcome associated with which of Erickson’s psychosocial stages?
  27. Question: An advanced practice psychiatric nurse is sued for continuing to work with a patient despite the treatment not working. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse realizes that which of the following will be considered in this case?
  28. Question: The decision to use supportive psychotherapy should be based on which of the following? Check all that apply.
  29. Question: Which of the following is true about the therapeutic benefit of groups in the development of socializing techniques?
  30. Question: Which of the following is not consistent cross-cultural research related to mental health and mental illness.
  31. Question: For severe trauma and phobias it is recommended to teach the patient some relation techniques prior to beginning exposure therapy. When is it appropriate to use these relaxation techniques?
  32. Question: According to Peplau(1991) self-awareness for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse
  33. Question: Recognizing that many factors may have contributed to apatient’s current situation is an example of which of the following?
  34. Question: A Hispanic woman whose mother recently died reports that she continues to hear the voice of her deceased mother. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse considering the woman’s Hispanic culture determines which of the following?
  35. Question: It is important for the new nurse psychotherapist to become comfortable with which of the following?
  36. Question: In psychodynamic case formulation three personality organization levels have been identified along a continuum. A patient who primarily uses primitive defenses is likely to be in which personality range?
  37. Question: When treating a family in which a child has been sexually abused the primary goals include which of the following? Check all that apply.
  38. Question: The challenges of a family therapist in working with families of different culture include which of the following? Check all that apply.
  39. Question: Internal resources include which of the following?
  40. Question: Controlled studies of psychotherapy outcome have shown which of the following?
  41. Question: In classical psychodynamic therapy the therapist’s role is which of the following?
  42. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse is working with a couple on conflict management. They report during a recent argument the husband threw a plate across the room. Based on the current advances in neuroscience the advanced practice psychiatric nurse explains:
  43. Question: Diverting conflict between two people by involving a third is known as the concept of:
  44. Question: Which of the following are consistent with research about adverse childhood experiences (ACE)?
  45. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse helps the patient to identify and name feelings, focus on somatic sensations associated with emotions, and encourages use of metaphor to describe feelings. This is consistent with which basic strategy of supportive psychodynamic therapy?
  46. Question: The idea that nothing happens by chance, that every thought and all behavior has a cause refers to which of the following concepts?
  47. Question: A couple of weeks into family therapy the wife calls the therapist and says “I need to tell you about something but you must promise me that you won’t say anything to my husband, and please don’t bring it up in therapy.” Which of the following would be an appropriate response?
  48. Question: A basic strategy of dynamic supportive therapy in which the advanced practice psychiatric nurse assists the patient with reality testing, problem-solving, impulse control, affect modulation, interpersonal awareness, social skills, and empathy is most specifically known as which of the following?
  49. Question: Over the past 40 years many controlled studies of psychotherapy outcome have demonstrated which of the following?
  50. Question: Which of the following is consistent with use of direct advice as a strategy of imparting of information?
  51. Question: According to Structural Family Therapy model, family structure refers to which of the following?
  52. Question: The process of a group member benefitting by observing the therapy of another member with similar problems is a phenomenon referred to as which of the following:
  53. Question: Good practice habits that are relevant for legal and ethical professional responsibility include which of the following? Check all that apply.
  54. Question: The patient talking about her husband states “By the time he comes home late for the zillionth time I’m just beside my self … you know what I mean.” The CBT therapist responds saying “No, I don’t know what you mean. Please explain what you mean by “beside yourself”. The therapist is using a technique known as which of the following?
  55. Question: A group of co-occurring, relatively invariant symptoms found in a specific cultural group, community or context, which may or may not be recognized as an illness within the culture but such cultural patterns of distress and features of illness may be recognizable by the outside observer is known as which of the following?
  56. Question: “They probably think I am stupid” is an example of which type of cognitive distortion?
  57. Question: Patients who would not be considered ideal candidates for psychoanalytic psychotherapy are which of the following?
  58. Question: The nurse psychotherapist realizes that “true presence” in a therapeutic relationship involves which of the following?
  59. Question: The skilled psychotherapist assists the patient to stay in the Resilience Zone. Which of the following symptoms are consistent with hypo arousal?
  60. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse working with a patient from another culture is recommended to do which of the following?
  61. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with evidence-based research on psychodynamic therapy?
  62. Question: According to Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Model for nursing, a cornerstone for the psychotherapeutic process is understanding, assessing, and managing which of the following?
  63. Question: During the middle phase of family therapy treatment much of the treatment is devoted to which of the following:
  64. Question: Which of the following is consistent regarding termination in brief psychodynamic therapy?
  65. Question: Which of the following is true about Automatic Thought Records (ATR)?
  66. Question: According to Bowen, lack of differentiation in a family may be manifest as
  67. Question: Which of the following is consistent research related to resilience and post traumatic growth?
  68. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with current research related to psychotherapy and psychotropic medication?
  69. Object relations theorists work from a framework which includes which of the following?
  70. Borderline pathology is thought to evolve from problems in which of Mahler’s stages of separation-individualization?
  71. Question: The change agent in relational psychodynamic therapy is which of the following?
  72. Question: Cross-cultural research supports which of the following?
  73. Question: Which of the following is consistent with the aims of supportive psychotherapy?
  74. Question: The goal in a holistic paradigm is to
  75. Question: A patient involved in expressive psychotherapy is having intense emotional reactions to painful experiences that have been expressed. This is known as which of the following?
  76. Question: Which of the following is true regarding the difference between brief and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy?
  77. Question: We all have preconceptions that are brought into every situation. As a nurse psychotherapist it is important to do which of the following?
  78. Question: Groups with a greater sense of solidarity exhibit which of the following? 
  79. Question: A family has been court-ordered to family therapy. The family does not want to participate in therapy. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse using a solution focused therapy model would most likely do which of the following?
  80. Question: An engaged cohesive therapeutic relationship is necessary in all psychotherapies except which of the following?
  81. Question: The therapist using a CBT approach in which the therapist encourages the patient to investigate whether their thoughts are based on facts or assumptions is known as which of the following?
  82. Question: “Everything always goes wrong for me” is an example of which type of cognitive distortion?
  83. Question: Which of the following are consistent with findings related to levels of cohesiveness in groups?
  84. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse solution focused therapy with a family will do which of the following?
  85. Question: Which of the following is a responsible way for the therapist to safely set appropriate limits on availability.
  86. Question: A therapist has decided to terminate treatment for a patient due to the patient continuing to miss scheduled appointments. The therapist should do which of the following?
  87. Question: According to Benner’s role acquisition model, the advanced practice psychiatric nurse with 2-5 years of experience, who coordinates complex care and sees situations as wholes with long-term solutions, is functioning at which level of competency?
  88. Question: In multi-cultural groups, therapists must address the clinical factor of universality by doing which of the following?
  89. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse may intervene as appropriate with agencies or persons in order to advocate for the patient; do for the patient what he or she cannot do for self, always with an aim toward maximum independence and growth which is consistent with which basic strategy of dynamic supportive therapy?
  90. Question: When working with a client of unfamiliar culture the advanced practice psychiatric nurse asks the client how he or she feels about working with you. This demonstrates which of the following?
  91. Question: When assessing families of a different culture from the therapist for treatment, the therapist should consider which of the following with respect to culture?
  92. Question: According to Mahler’s stages of separation-individuation the phase of “normal autism” occurs during what age range?
  93. Question: According to Mahler's stage of separation-individuation the phase of "normal autism" occurs during what age range?
  94. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse may intervene as appropriate with agencies or persons in order to advocate for the patient; do for the patient what he or she cannot do for self, always with an aim toward maximum independence and growth which is consistent with which basic strategy of dynamic supportive therapy?
  95. Question: Which of the following is consistent with literature regarding suicide? Check all that apply:
  96. Question: Common ancestry through which individuals have evolved shared values and customs is knowns as which of the following?
  97. Question: ThetherapistusingaCBTapproachinwhichthetherapistencouragesthepatienttoinvestigate whether their thoughts are based on facts or assumptions is known as which of the following?
  98. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with the underlying assumptions of psychodynamic psychotherapy?
  99. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse is meeting with a patient who is in the process of an unwanted divorce. The patient endorses persistent suicidal ideations, with strong intent. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse recognizes the patient is a high suicide risk and recommends which of the following?
  100. Question: Which of the following assumptions would the therapist be safe in making about cultural influences in a family?
  101. Question: The focus of exploration in a relational psychodynamic therapy includes which one of the following?

Addional Practice QuestionsAnswers

  1. Question: The CBT therapist ask the patient on the scale of "0 -10 how would you rate your depression today?" " And how that compare to 2 months ago?" This is an example of what type of question type in Socratic dialogue?
  2. Question: Which of the following best describes the difference between standards of care and practice guidelines?
  3. Question: Strategies for working with anxiety are central to all therapy approaches. Which strategy would be consistent with a behavioral therapy approach?
  4. Question: Which of the following is consistent with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? Select all that apply:
  5. Question: According to Structural Family Therapy model, family structure refers to which of the following?
  6. Question: "They probably think I am stupid" is an example of which type of cognitive distortion?
  7. Question: In the therapy groups where group members gain through receiving help from group members and giving help to group members, which of Yalom's therapeutic benefits is being realized?
  8. Question: A group member becomes angry with the group leader accusing the leader of being too controlling and showing favoritism. This behavior is consistent with which of Yalom's therapeutic factors?
  9. Question: A group member is relieved to realize that others in the group share feelings of incompetency similar to his own. This is an example of which of the following therapeutic factors?
  10. Question: Good practice habits that are relevant for legal and ethical professional responsibility include which of the following? Check all that apply
  11. Question: A Hispanic woman whose mother recently died reports that she continues to hear voice of her deceased mother. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse considering the Hispanic woman's culture determines which of the following?
  12. Question: Which of The following is consistent research related to posttraumatic growth?
  13. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with the current research related to psychotherapy and psychotropic medication?
  14. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with the resilience model proposed by Miller-Krauss?
  15. Question: A family has been court-ordered to family therapy. The family does not want to participate in therapy. The advanced practice nurse using a solution focused therapy model would most likely do which of the following?
  16. Question: According to Freud, failure to successfully accomplish the task of learning independence and control is associated with which of the following problematic traits?
  17. Question: According to Yalom, which of the following is consistent with the therapeutic benefit of imitative behavior?
  18. Question: In classical psychodynamic Therapy, the therapist's role is which one of the following?
  19. Question: The advance psychiatric nurse is working with couple using a Cognitive Behavioral Family therapy model. The wife states that her husband must be having an affair because he comes home late from work . The advanced practice nurse recognizes as a cognitive distortion knowns as :
  20. Question: According to Peplau s' Interpersonal Relations Model for nursing, a cornerstone for the psychotherapeutic process is understanding, assessing and managing which of the following?
  21. Question: Didactic instruction about mental health, mental illness and general psychodynamics is a strategy which supports which therapeutic group factor?
  22. Question: Recognizing that many factors may have contributed to a patient's current situation is an example of which of the following?
  23. Question: Yalom identifies eleven primary factors to describe the therapeutic benefit of group psychotherapy. Which of the following statements is not consistent with these factors?
  24. Question: According to the Stages of the Family Life Cycle the key emotional process of transition for single young adults is:
  25. Question: It is important for the new nurse psychotherapist to become comfortable with which of the following?
  26. Question: Internal resources include which of the following?
  27. Question: When assessing families of a different culture from the therapist for treatment, the therapist should consider which of the following with respect to culture?
  28. Question: Which of the following is consistent with use of direct advice as a strategy of imparting of information?
  29. Question: "If I was in a relationship, all of my problems would be solved" is an example of which type of cognitive distortion?
  30. Question: Optimal family development is thought to take place in which of the following circumstances?
  31. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse may intervene as appropriate with agencies or persons in order to advocate for the patient; do for the patient what he or she cannot do for self, always with an aim toward maximum independence and growth which is consistent with which basic strategy of dynamic supportive therapy?
  32. Question: Which of the following is true about the CBT cognitive processes of primary and secondary thinking?
  33. Question: According to Freud's Psychosexual stages development of sexual identity occurs during what age range?
  34. Question: The aim in relational psychodynamic therapy is which of the following?
  35. Question: Yalom states the group therapy analogue to relationship in individual therapy is which of the following?
  36. Question: Diverting conflict between two people by involving a third is known as the concept of:
  37. Question: According to Erikson's Psychosocial stages failure to successfully resolve trust vs mistrust conflict is associated with which of the following pathological outcomes?
  38. Question: The goal in a holistic paradigm is to
  39. Question: In multi-cultural groups, therapists must address the clinical factor of universality by doing which of the following?
  40. Question: Groups with a greater sense of solidarity exhibit which of the following? Check all that apply.
  41. Question: There is evidence that suggests certain individuals may obtain greater benefit from group therapy than from other approaches. These include which of the following individuals? Check all that apply.
  42. Question T: Object relations theorists work from a framework which includes which of the following?
  43. Question: he concept that reminds us that families are open systems, and our interpretations are shaped by assumptions we absorb from the culture is known as:
  44. Question: According to Benner's role acquisition model, the advanced practice psychiatric nurse with 2-5 years of experience who coordinates complex care and sees situations as wholes with long term solutions, is functioning at which level of competency?
  45. Question: The decision to use supportive psychotherapy should be based on which of the following? Check all that apply:

  1. Question: Factors that distinguish psychodynamic therapy from cognitive behavioral therapy include which of the following factors.
  2. Question: A group member becomes angry with the group leader accusing the leader of being too controlling and showing favoritism. This behavior is consistent with which of Yalom's therapeutic factors?
  3. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with current research related to psychotherapy and psychotropic medication?
  4. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse realizes which of the following regarding workbook exercises in therapy?
  5. Question: Which of the following is inconsistent with Socratic Dialogue basic rules for the therapist
  6. Question: A group of co-occurring, relatively invariant symptoms found in a specific cultural group, community or context, which may or may not be recognized as an illness within the culture but such cultural patterns of distress and features of illness may be recognizable by the outside observer is known as which of the following?
  7. Question: Hildegard Peplau developed the psychodynamic interpersonal model for psychiatric nursing based on which theorist's framework?
  8. Question: According to Erikson's Psychosocial stages failure to successfully resolve trust vs mistrust conflict is associated with which of the following pathological outcomes?
  9. Question: Which of the following is a responsible way for the therapist to safely set appropriate limits on availability.
  10. Question: According to Freud's Psychosexual Stages framework a patient exhibiting excessive envy and jealousy failed to successfully manage anxiety during which stage?
  11. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse is working with a couple on conflict management. They report during a recent argument the husband threw a plate across the room. Based on the current advances in neuroscience the advanced practice psychiatric nurse explains:
  12. Question: Thequalityofthetherapeuticrelationshipismostcloselylinkedtowhichschooloftherapy
  13. Question: The advanced practice psychiatric nurse helps the patient to identify and name feelings, focus on somatic sensations associated with emotions, and encourages use of metaphor to describe feelings. This is consistent with which basic strategy of supportive psycho dynamic therapy?
  14. Question: Schizoid personality is a pathological outcome associated with which of Erickson's psychosocial stages?
  15. Question: What distinguishes psychoanalytic therapy from other types of therapies?
  16. Question: Which strategy would be consistent with a behavioral therapy approach?
  17. Question: Good practice habits that are relevant for legal and ethical professional responsibility include which of the following? Check all that
  18. Question: For severe trauma and phobiasit is recommended to teach the patient some relation techniques prior to beginning exposure When is it appropriate to use these relaxation techniques?
  19. Question: A patient being treated with supportive psychodynamic psycho therapy has been missing sessions and coming late when coming to sessions. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse recognizes this behavior as which of the following?
  20. Question: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions focus on
  21. Question: The the rapist using a CBT approach says to the patient: "You say you become depressed. Explain to me what depressed feels like to you." This is an example of what question type in Socratic Dialogue?
  22. Question: According to the Stages of the Family Life Cycle the key emotional process of transition for single young adults is:
  23. Question: Evidenced based guidelines for patient treatment are based on which of the following
  24. Question: Which of the following is true about the CBT cognitive processes of primary and secondary thinking?
  25. Question: Internal resources include which of the following
  26. Question: According to Benner's role acquisition model, the advanced practice psychiatric nurse with 2-5 years of experience, who coordinates complex care and sees situations as wholes with long- term solutions, is functioning at which level of competency?
  27. Question: Peplau(1991) self-awareness for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse
  28. Question: It is important for the new nurse psychotherapist to become comfortable with which of the following?
  29. Question: It is important for the new nurse psychotherapist to become comfortable with which of the following?
  30. Question: If a health care professional terminates treatment because of managed care failure to authorize the session who is liable for harm based upon abandonment of the treatment.
  31. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with therapeutic process of the corrective recapitulation of the primary family group in group psychotherapy?
  32. Question: Evidenced based guidelines for patient treatment are based on which of the following?
  33. Question: Which of the following is true about the CBT cognitive processes of primary and secondary thinking?
  34. Question: Internal resources include which of the following?
  35. Question: According to Benner's role acquisition model, the advanced practice psychiatric nurse with 2-5 years of experience, who coordinates complex care and sees situations as wholes with long- term solutions, is functioning at which level of competency?
  36. Question: According to H. Peplau (1991) self-awareness for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse
  37. Question: It is important for the new nurse psychotherapist to become comfortable with which of the following?
  38. Question: In classical psychodynamic therapy the therapist's role is which of the following?
  39. Question: If a health care professional terminates treatment because of managed care failure to authorize the session who is liable for harm based upon abandonment of the treatment..
  40. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with therapeutic process of the corrective recapitulation of the primary family group in group psychotherapy?
  41. Question: The patient talking about her husband states "By the time he comes home late for the zillionth time I'm just beside my self ... you know what I mean." The CBT therapist responds saying "No, I don't know what you mean. Please explain what you mean by "beside yourself". The therapist is using a technique known as which of the following?
  42. Question: In relational psychodynamic psychotherapy the therapist helps the patient with which of the following?
  43. Question: Role play in the context of the therapy session is an example of which of the following behavioral techniques:
  44. Question: Which of the following is not consistent with the underlying assumptions of psychodynamic psychotherapy?
  45. Question: "They probably think I am stupid" is an example of which type of cognitive distortion\
  46. Question: Which of the following best describes the difference between standards of care and practice guidelines?
  47. Question: The technique used by the CBT therapist to help the individual uncover underlying assumptions in logic and sequence through careful questioning by the therapist asking," If this is true then what happens?"
  48. Question: In general, the lower the patient is on Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  49. Question: A descriptive/biological approach of specialized knowledge that treats individuals as members of a diagnostic group is based on
  50. Question: According to Mahler's stages of separation-individuation the phase of "normal autism" occurs during what age range?
  51. Question: Psychodynamic psychotherapy interventions focus on which of the following
  52. Question: When working with a couple the therapist observes the wife seems to have more power in the relationship and the husband seems disengaged. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse can safely assume which of the following based on the couple's Appalachian culture/roots?
  53. Question: The decision to use supportive psychotherapy should be based on which of the following? Check all that apply.


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