PRAC 6645 Week 1 Acknowledgment Quiz

Course : Walden
Contributed : Tausha Brooks
  • $29.00
  • PRAC 6645 Week 1 Acknowledgment Quiz
  1. Question: How many patients must I provide direct care to and log in Meditrek this quarter?
  2. Question: How many clinical hours must I complete this quarter?
  3. Question: Do I need to document all patients I see in Meditrek?
  4. Question: I must complete my assignments on patients seen in clinical with my preceptor during this quarter.
  5. Question: What documents are required when uploading SOAP notes?
  6. Question: How long does my instructor have to grade my assignments after the due date?
  7. Question: Where do I find my instructor’s feedback on assignments?
  8. Question: How often should I check the announcements, email and doc sharing?
  9. Question: Do I need to log all of my patients, even if I have already logged the minimum number required?
  10. Question: How long do I have to log my clinical hours and patients in Meditrek after seeing them?
  11. Question: When is the earliest I can finish clinical without special permission?
  12. Question: I must see a minimum of 5 patients that are pediatric / adolescent this quarter I must see a minimum of 5 patients that are adult / older adult this quarter.
  13. Question: Who do I contact if I my preceptor can’t locate his/her Meditrek login?
  14. Question: Who do I contact about a grade I don’t agree with?
  15. Question: Are assignment re-dos or extra credit allowed in the NP program?
  16. Question: I cannot use my textbook as a resource or other patient centered websites such as WebMD.
  17. Question: Are Grand Rounds mandatory to attend?
  18. Question: Can I watch a recording of Grand Rounds later?
  19. Question: The midterm video call MUST be completed with my approved preceptor and no one else. The office manager cannot relay information. The preceptor must complete the call with my clinical faculty.
  20. Question: When is my midterm preceptor call due?
  21. Question: I can ONLY complete my practicum hours with my approved preceptor. I may NOT rotate among preceptor in the office.
  22. Question: My midterm and final evaluation must be complete by my approved preceptor and no one else.
  23. Question: What needs to be completed in Meditrek by the end of week 10?
  24. Question: If I enter my patient logs and time logs in Meditrek more than 48 hours after clinical, I will not receive the weekly points allocated for those assignments
  25. Question: I have read the NP program Practicum Manual and will abide by the requirements to successfully complete this program.
  26. Question: I am responsible for everything I post on social media.
  27. Question: I understand the appropriate chain of command in the College of Nursing.
  28. Question: I acknowledge reading the syllabus and understand the course requirements to successfully pass the class.

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