NRS 451VN Topic 4 Assignment; Organizational Culture and Values; PowerPoint Presentation, Speaker Notes - 9 Practical Strategies for Leadership Success
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Unless people believe in the core values and objectives of their organizations business will suffer. Universal values such as respect, integrity, trustworthiness, truthfulness, service and honesty are determinants of business success today more than ever before.
This program focuses on 9 practical strategies for leadership success through powerful Values and Service-Centered skills.
- Transform the culture of your organization through higher level values
- Capitalize on Values as a bedrock for change and uncertainty
- Manage opposition and build unity of thought
- Create a productive, profitable organization based on core values
- Inspire others through shared vision
- Bust the Ego and derive power from people not position
- Convert transactional relationships to transformational ones
- Build service capacity in others
- Walk the talk by way of integrity
(Barrett, n.d.)
Importance of Organizational Culture
- The organization’s values, beliefs, attitudes, and strategies
- The organization’s goals and practices
- Flexibility of employees, leaders, managers, and directors
- The overall environment within the organization
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