NURS 6501 Week 2 Case Study Assignment; Kidney Transplant Rejection

Course : Walden
Contributed : Aneeta
  • $20.00
  • NURS 6501 Week 2 Case Study  Assignment; Kidney Transplant Rejection

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Case Study: Kidney Transplant Rejection


This paper will analyze the following case study. A 34-year-old Hispanic-American male with end- stage renal disease received a kidney transplant from a cadaver donor. He was prescribed antirejection medications, which include Tacrolimus, Cyclosporine, and Imuran. Six months after his transplant, he started gaining weight, was fatigued, had decreased urine output, and began running fevers of up to 101˚F. His nephrologist diagnosed him with acute kidney transplant rejection.

Symptoms Presented


The treatment of choice for patients with end-stage renal disease is a kidney transplant because there are better survival advantages and an improved quality of life compared to dialysis (Naik and Shawar, 2021). However, one of the complications of an organ transplant is transplant rejection, which is an alloimmune phenomenon. In this case, the patient’s immune system reacted against the antigens of the donor cells (McCance and Huether, 2019). When this occurs, symptoms include decreased urine output, sudden weight gain, flu-like symptoms, fevers of 101˚F or higher, high blood pressures, edema, and fatigue (American Kidney Fund, 2022). This explains the symptoms that the patient started to experience six months post-transplant……….. Continue



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