NURS 6512 Week 10 Assignment; iHuman case Ronnie Liu

Course : Course
Contributed : Macmillan
  • $25.00
  • NURS 6512 Week 10 Assignment; iHuman case Ronnie Liu

Pt is a 14 y/o asian-american male who presents with increasing right ankle pain/swelling bruising after falling at a basketball game last night and having pile-up occur over right foot. Pt cannot bear weight on right foot and has significant swelling/bruising/pain at right midial malleous and posteriorly, moderate general tenderness at distal tib/fib junction. No bony tenderness over the lateral malleous. Patient has full sensation and pulses on both feet bilaterally and can wiggle all toes equally. Patient states that pain is 10/10, interferes with sleep and is increasing in severity. Pt has limited active and passive ROM of right ankle. Pt has improvement with ibprofin, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. On minocycline for acne. Contributing family hx maternal great grandmother-bone cancer


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