NURS 6521C-12, NURS-6521F-12, NURS-6521N-12, Advanced Pharmacology; Exam - Week 11 Final

Course : NURS 6521 Advanced Pharmacology
Submitted : Summer QTR
Contributed : Megan
  • $65.00
  • NURS 6521C-12, NURS-6521F-12, NURS-6521N-12, Advanced Pharmacology; Exam - Week 11 Final
  1. Question: Which of the following brand-generic combinations is incorrectly matched?
  2. Question: I did not make drugs have a little effect when administered:
  3. Question: A 66-year-old man has made an appointment with his primary care provider to discuss his recent erectile dysfunction (ED) and has requested a prescription for tadalafil (Cialis) based on television commercials he has seen. What characteristic of this patient would most likely contraindicate the use of tadalafil for his ED?
  4. Question: Amoxicillin is to be administered from a multiple dose container. After water is added for reconstitution, the well shaken oral suspension will yield 250mg/5mL. If the prescribed child's dose is 100mg bid, how many mL should be administered per dose?
  5. Question: Which of the following statements is false regarding tetracycline?
  6. Question: A 59-year-old man with a recent history of erectile dysfunction has been assessed and prescribed sildenafil (Viagra). When providing patient education to this man, the nurse should tell him which of the following?
  7. Question: Which of the following drugs can a person with G6PD deficiency take safely?
  8. Question: A patient is to begin taking tobramycin (Nebcin) for a nosocomial infection. Which of the following assessments should the nurse prioritize?
  9. Question: Which medication does not have any dietary precautions?
  10. Question: A patient is taking etoposide for a testicular tumor refractory to treatment. The nursing assessment reveals that he is also taking warfarin. The nurse must carefully monitor for which of the following?
  11. Question: A 60-year-old patient experienced a sudden onset of chest pain and shortness of breath and was subsequently diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism in the emergency department. The patient has been started on an intravenous heparin infusion. How does this drug achieve therapeutic effect?
  12. Question: A 33-year-old man has developed acute gouty arthritis. He has been prescribed colchicine. When developing a care plan for this patient, which factor will be most important for the nurse to consider?
  13. Question: A Nurse Practitioner is reviewing the prepregnancy medication regimen of a patient who has just had a positive pregnancy test. The nurse should be aware of which of the following changes in pharmacokinetics that accompanies pregnancy?
  14. Question: Laboratory testing has confirmed that a patient has chloroquine-resistant malaria and the patient's physician has prescribed quinine along with an adjunctive drug. The nurse should question the physician's order if the patient has a history of
  15. Question: A Nurse Practitioner is discussing with a 58-year-old male patient the causes of erectile dysfunction in men over 50 years of age. Which of the following will the nurse inform the patient is the primary physical cause of erectile dysfunction of men in this age group?
  16. Question: Which of the following medications has anticholinergic and antianxiety effects?
  17. Question: A postmenopausal patient is prescribed bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis. The nurse will instruct the patient to take the drug
  18. Question: Mr. Laird is a 49-year-old electrician who experienced severe burns on his trunk, arms, and hands in a workplace accident 2 weeks ago. Part of his current wound care regimen involves the daily application of silver sulfadiazine to his wounds. The nurses who are providing care for Mr. Laird in the burns and plastics unit of the hospital should perform what action when administering this medication?
  19. Question: A patient with AIDS has developed a number of secondary infections in recent weeks, including Kaposi's sarcoma. As a result of this most recent diagnosis, his care team has opted to begin treatment with interferon alfa-2a. The nurse is aware that this drug will address the etiology of Kaposi sarcoma by
  20. Question: Which of the following patients will be at the greatest risk for anemia and would be the most likely candidate for epoetin alfa therapy?
  21. Question: Which of the following medications is most likely to cause a cardiac arrhythmia?
  22. Question: Which test should the NP order for monitoring effectiveness of the patient receiving heparin?
  23. Question: Alprostadil (Caverject), a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction, has been prescribed to a 42-year-old patient. When providing education to the patient and his wife, the nurse should inform the wife about which of the following adverse effects?
  24. Question: A 43-year-old man has been diagnosed with active TB. He is prescribed a multiple drug therapy, including INH and rifampin. A priority assessment by the nurse will be to monitor which combination of laboratory test results?
  25. Question: An NP is seeing a child who weights 25 pounds, 2 oz and needs a medication. The NP learns that the recommended dosing for this drug is 30-35 mg per kg per day in three divided doses. The NP should order
  26. Question: A patient is taking rifampin (Rifadin) for active TB. When discussing this drug with the patient, the nurse should stress that
  27. Question: A 34-year-old male has been diagnosed with TB and will be started on INH therapy. The medication history reveals that he currently takes antacids on a regular basis. The nurse will instruct the patient to take
  28. Question: A patient with a recent diagnosis of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is discussing treatment options with his care team. What aspect of the patient's condition would contraindicate the use of cyclophosphamide for the treatment of leukemia?
  29. Question: Which antibiotic requires administration of a loading dose?
  30. Question: A patient has been admitted to the critical care unit with a diagnosis of peritonitis that has necessitated treatment with gentamicin. As a result, the care team should be cautious when concurrently administering other medications that may cause
  31. Question: Which of the following would a Nurse Practitioner assess for in a patient who is taking polymyxin B systemically?
  32. Question: Medications that potentiate the actions of GABA in the brain will likely have which of the following effects?
  33. Question: A patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) will be starting a course of doxorubicin shortly. When planning this patient's care, what nursing diagnosis should the nurse prioritize?
  34. Question: During ongoing assessment of a patient receiving 5-FU therapy, the nurse finds the patient's platelet count to be 92,000 cells/mm3. The nurse should do which of the following?
  35. Question: A 38-year-old pregnant patient admits to the Nurse Practitioner that she is an alcoholic and has been consuming alcohol during her pregnancy. The nurse knows that using alcohol during pregnancy may result in a child who presents with
  36. Question: LIsa , age 25, has just been placed on Minocycline. The NP should tell this pt to:
  37. Question: The Nurse Practitioner has established peripheral IV access and begun an infusion of magnesium sulfate on a 29-year-old antepartum patient who is 35 weeks pregnant. Which of the following assessment findings most likely prompted the patient's physician to order magnesium sulfate for this patient?
  38. Question: How do bisphosphonates Treat osteoporosis?
  39. Question: A male patient has been brought to the emergency department during an episode of status epilepticus. Diazepam is to be administered intravenously. The APRN will be sure to
  40. Question: A male patient is receiving heparin by continuous intravenous infusion. The nurse will instruct the patient and family members to report which of the following should it occur?
  41. Question: JC is a 13 year old female to be seen in your clinic today. You review JC's medication and realize that which medication is a potential risk of growth suppression in prepubescent children?
  42. Question: Which antibiotic is most frequently associated with "Red man Syndrome"
  43. Question: Phenytoin decreases folic acid absorption by
  44. Question: Mr. Asberry is taking Levofloxacin for his sinusitis. He calls your clinic and reports some pain just above the heel of his left foot. The NP should:
  45. Question: Diazepam, lorazapam, and alprazolam are what controlled substance schedule?
  46. Question: A Nurse Practitioner is explaining to the parents of a 6-year-old child suffering from angina why nitroglycerin patches for chest pain would not be appropriate. Which of the following will the nurse include in an explanation?
  47. Question: Which of the following would the nurse include in a teaching plan about the signs and symptoms of thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism that should be reported by a patient taking estrogen?
  48. Question: A patient who is at risk for DVT tells the NP she has just learned she is pregnant. The NP should expect that this patient will use which of the following anticoagulant medications?
  49. Question: A 5-year-old boy needs an IM injection. The least painful and most effective injection site would be the
  50. Question: A 2-year-old child is diagnosed with a minor ailment and is to be administered medications at home for 2 weeks. The child lives with his mother, grandmother, and four other children between the ages of 14 months and 7 years. The home health nurse is asked to assess the home environment to determine if it is appropriate for the child to take his medication at home. Which of the following will have the greatest impact on the nurse's assessment?
  51. Question: A 13-year-old female took a weight loss drug that activated the sympathetic nervous system. Which of the following assessment findings would the nurse expect?
  52. Question: A Nurse Practitioner has completed a medication reconciliation of a patient who has been admitted following a motor vehicle accident. Among the many drugs that the patient has received in the previous year is rituximab. The nurse would be justified in suspecting the patient may have received treatment for which of the following diseases?
  53. Question: A patient is receiving radiotherapy for an overactive thyroid gland and asks whether her milk is safe for her baby. If her treatment cannot be discontinued, what should the nurse recommend?
  54. Question: A 30-year-old woman who is in the first trimester of pregnancy has presented to her primary care provider with a 4-day history of a reddened, itchy left eye that is crusted with purulent exudate. The clinician suspects a bacterial, rather than viral, etiology. How will the patient's pregnancy affect the potential use of ciprofloxacin to treat her conjunctivitis?
  55. Question: A Nurse Practitioner working in a cancer center is preparing to administer medication to a 5-year-old child. The nurse will calculate the drug dosage by using
  56. Question: A woman is receiving magnesium sulfate for intrapartum eclampsia. The patient is perspiring and her blood pressure is 88/50. The serum magnesium level is 10 mg/dL. The nurse will interpret these manifestations as
  57. Question: An immunocompromised cancer patient has developed cryptococcal meningitis and been admitted to the intensive care unit for treatment with amphotericin B. How should the nurse most safely administer this drug?
  58. Question: CombinationOCspreventpregnancyprimarilyby:
  59. Question: A patient will soon begin targeted therapy as a component of her treatment plan for chronic leukemia. The nurse is conducting health education about this new aspect of the patient's drug regimen and the patient has asked about the potential side effects of treatment. How should the nurse best respond?
  60. Question: A Nurse Practitioner is caring for a 46-year-old female patient who is taking paclitaxel for ovarian cancer. Two or three days after the infusion of the drug, the nurse must closely monitor for which of the following?
  61. Question: A Nurse Practitioner is performing patient education for a woman who has just been prescribed a bisphosphonate. Which of the following diagnostic and history findings would have prompted the woman's care provider to prescribe a bisphosphonate?
  62. Question: The clinical nurse educator who oversees the emergency department in a children's hospital has launched an awareness program aimed at reducing drug errors. What measure addresses the most common cause of incorrect doses in the care of infants and children?
  63. Question: A 20-year-old female patient is receiving topical clindamycin for acne vulgaris. She develops a rash and urticaria along with severe itching where the medication is applied. The nurse will formulate which of the following nursing diagnoses for the patient?
  64. Question: Monitoring of male patients are using phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors includes which of the following?
  65. A 15-year-old patient has meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae. She is being treated with chloramphenicol. The most important nursing action for this patient would be to monitor
  66. Question: Which of the following combination medications does not contain a progestin combined with estrogen?
  67. Question: A woman has a Chlamydia infection. Before initiating treatment with a tetracycline antibiotic, the NP should :
  68. Question: Finasteride(Proscar)isprescribedfora50-year-oldmanwhoisexperiencingaproblem withurination secondarytoanenlargedprostate.Thepractitionerwouldteachthepatienthatwhileheistakingthis medication,itisimportanto:
  69. Question: The NP is reviewing Mrs. Oglethorpe's medication list and recognizes that which drug listed below has been associated with increased risk for MI in women?
  70. Question: Sulconazole has been prescribed for a patient with tinea pedis. The nurse will instruct the patient to use the topical agent
  71. Question: A pregnant patient who has diabetes has been admitted to the hospital to begin labor. Since the patient has diabetes, the physician has decided to use oxytocin (Pitocin) to initiate labor contractions. When talking to the patient about the adverse effects of the drug, the nurse should understand that the most common adverse effects of the drug include
  72. Question: A male patient has been on long-term bicalutamide (Casodex) therapy. In order to assess adverse effects of the drug therapy, the nurse will closely monitor which of the following?
  73. Question: A 67-year-old man who is being treated for prostate cancer is taking epoetin alfa. The nurse will instruct the patient to
  74. Question: A Nurse Practitioner is caring for a patient who is at 28 weeks' gestation and is receiving terbutaline (Brethine) to control preterm labor. Which of the following assessment parameters should the nurse prioritize?
  75. Question: The Nurse Practitioner knows that Buproprion use (wellbutrin, zyban) is contraindicated in which of the following instances?
  76. Question: A Nurse Practitioner is aware that the concept of selective toxicity is foundational to antimicrobial therapy. Which of the following statements most accurately describes selective toxicity?
  77. Question: A Nurse Practitioner works at a weight management clinic. To which of the following overweight patients could the nurse safely administer dextroamphetamine?
  78. Question: A woman is receiving prolonged drug therapy during her complicated pregnancy, and it may pose a risk to both the mother and the fetus. The primary care physician has made dosage adjustments to minimize adverse effects and prevent toxicity. The nurse should make sure
  79. Question: Which of the following oral agents has the most rapid analgesic onset?
  80. Question: A 51-year-old female patient has been receiving doxorubicin (Adriamycin) for metastatic breast cancer. Her medical record indicates she has cardiomyopathy and a cumulative dose of 300 mg/m2 of doxorubicin. Which of the following measures would help limit the severity of the cardiomyopathy in this patient?
  81. Question: Whatisthebestinitialtreatmentplanforaslepdisorderintheolderadultpatient?
  82. Question: A patient has endocarditis and is taking gentamicin. The Nurse Practitioner will be sure to monitor which of the following?
  83. Question: Which adverse reaction is common in the patient taking buspirone?
  84. Question: A Nurse Practitioner educator who coordinates the staff education on an oncology unit is conducting an inservice on targeted therapies. What potential benefit of targeted therapies should the nurse highlight in this education session?
  85. Question: All of the following can cause photosensitivity except
  86. Question: A 21-year-old has been placed on risperidone. Monitoring for risperidone includes
  87. Question: Ms. Shackleford Has been placed on Ambien to help for her insomnia. The NP must educate the patient regarding the rapid onset of Ambien. Which statement below is correct?
  88. Question: A Nurse Practitioner is obtaining baseline physical data from a 7-year-old patient who is to be started on dextroamphetamine for ADHD. After obtaining vital signs, height, and weight, the nurse will prepare the patient for an
  89. Question: GABA is an amino acid that functions as the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS. The primary excitatory neurotransmitter is
  90. Question: A 29-year-old woman who is morbidly obese has recently begun a comprehensive, medically-supervised program of weight reduction. Prior to adding dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) to her regimen, the patient should be questioned about her intake of
  91. Question: Cindy has been on Citalopram (Lexapro) For a year and is willing to try tapering off of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. What is the initial dosage adjustment when tapering off antidepressants.
  92. Question: Which Of the following pharmacologic agents can be used to treat nicotine dependence/ smoking cessation?
  93. Question: What schedule class of drug is Hydrocodone?
  94. Question: A Nurse Practitioner is explaining the use of acyclovir therapy to a 72-year-old man. Nephrotoxicity is discussed as a major adverse effect in older patients. To minimize the risk of the patient developing this adverse effect, the nurse will advise him to
  95. Question: A 6-month-old child has developed skin irritation due to an allergic reaction. He has been prescribed a topical skin ointment. The nurse will consider which of the following before administering the drug?
  96. Question: After 6 months of unsuccessfully trying to conceive, a 31-year-old woman and her husband have sought a referral to a fertility specialist in order to explore their options. A nurse at the clinic should recognize that the woman may benefit from
  97. Question: Jennifer, the Nurse Practitioner, is seeing Mr. Johns, a 65 year old male in the clinic today with c/o Arthritis pain. What is a serious side effect of ibuprofen use in the older adult patient?
  98. Question: John, the Nurse Practitioner is prescribing Fosamax for his patient. Bisphosphonate administration education includes
  99. Question: The NP is teaching a patient about TMP/SMX before prescribing it to treat a UTI. Which statement by the patient indicates a need for further teaching?
  100. Question: A Nurse Practitioner is caring for a patient who is on amphotericin B. On morning rounds the patient reports weakness, numbness, and a tingling sensation in his feet. What would be a priority action by the nurse?
  101. Question: When completing this exam, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity?



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