PHI 103 Week 1, Topic 1 Introduction to Philosophy, Logic and Arguments
- $20.00
Watch the video at the YouTube link provided in the announcement. As you watch the video, take notes in response to each of the items, below.
Topic 1, Part 1 – What is Philosophy?
- Question: Write a few example “philosophical” / worldview questions.
- Question: Philosophers address both general_ and fundamental questions. Write a short / basic description of what these words mean.
- Question: The word “philosophy” comes from a combination of two Greek words. What do those words mean?
- Question: Philosophy might have a reputation of being vague or hard to understand; but philosophy actually __ seeks clarity__.
- Question: Philosophy is living the _______ life.
- Question: What does it mean to say that there are no “no trespassing” signs for philosophers?
- Question: When thinking of philosophy as a “way of life,” why might it be dangerous?
- Question: The ideas addressed in a philosophy class like this apply to whom? Why?
- Question: What are the main philosophical topics that are addressed in this class, throughout the semester?
- Question: What is philosophy?
- Question: Write a couple of reasons why people should study philosophy. Which one(s) seem to be most significant to you?