PHI 103 Week 1, Topic 1 Introduction to Philosophy, Logic and Arguments

Course : Course
Contributed : Paul Charli
  • $20.00
  • PHI 103 Week 1, Topic 1 Introduction to Philosophy, Logic and Arguments

Watch the video at the YouTube link provided in the announcement. As you watch the video, take notes in response to each of the items, below.


Topic 1, Part 1 – What is Philosophy?


  1. Question: Write a few example “philosophical” / worldview questions.
  2. Question: Philosophers address both general_ and fundamental questions. Write a short / basic description of what these words mean.
  3. Question: The word “philosophy” comes from a combination of two Greek words. What do those words mean?
  4. Question: Philosophy might have a reputation of being vague or hard to understand; but philosophy actually __ seeks clarity__.
  5. Question: Philosophy is living the _______ life.
  6. Question: What does it mean to say that there are no “no trespassing” signs for philosophers?
  7. Question: When thinking of philosophy as a “way of life,” why might it be dangerous?
  8. Question: The ideas addressed in a philosophy class like this apply to whom? Why?
  9. Question: What are the main philosophical topics that are addressed in this class, throughout the semester?
  10. Question: What is philosophy?
  11. Question: Write a couple of reasons why people should study philosophy. Which one(s) seem to be most significant to you?



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