PHI 103 Week 10, Topic 5 Exam 2

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Contributed : Paul Charli
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  • PHI 103 Week 10, Topic 5 Exam 2
  1. Question: Contemporary philosopher, Paul K. Moser, has recently argued that unless one is willing to be known by God which will, among other things, result in God making moral demands on one’s life, then_____.
  2. Question: Read the following argument: 1. Objective moral values and duties exist. 2. But if God did not exist, objective moral values and duties would not exist. 3. Therefore, God exists…… This argument aims to show that God is the best explanation for .
  3. Question: One argument for the existence of God comes from religious experience—specifically, receiving the transformative gift. The transformative gift is_____.
  4. Question: The _____ emphasizes the role the human will plays towards getting certain kinds of knowledge.
  5. Question: The problem of _____ is trying to understand how descriptions of physical states in the brain can capture the what- it's-like experiences in a subject's mind.
  6. Question: The problem of personal identity is trying to know what makes a person the same person across time after losing parts and gaining new ones.
  7. Question: According to Christian tradition, mere belief in the existence of God does not achieve the goals and purposes God has for humans because _____ .
  8. Question: According to strong scientism, _____ are entities that don’t exist given they can’t be verified by the hard sciences.
  9. Question: Some compatibilists criticize libertarian conceptions of freedom by saying that if determinism is not true, then human actions are the result of ______ .
  10. Question: Substance dualism is the view that the thing that has consciousness is a non-physical substance sometimes called the soul or mind.
  11. Question: Determinism is the view that the total state of the world, at any time, given the laws governing the universe, will entail only one future state of affairs.
  12. Question: ______ said that it takes a certain moral and spiritual character to appropriately enter into a loving relationship with God, and thus, evil is needed in order to develop certain virtues that make up one's character.
  13. Question: Some people have argued that some arguments for external world skepticism make the mistake of assuming that all instances of knowledge must be proven through an argument instead of being known through other belief forming processes like perception, memory, introspection, testimony, or intuition.
  14. Question: The following is a scientific question and not a philosophical question: Are all truths discoverable by the hard sciences?
  15. Question: Strong scientism is the view that says a proposition or theory is true if and only if it has been successfully tested and verified by “appropriate” scientific methodologies.
  16. Question: The idea behind gatuitous evil is that it is a special kind of evil--specifically, evil that is avoidable, pointless, and unnecessary insofar as securing moral and spiritual benefits to the victim of it.
  17. Question: Compatibilists conceptions of freedom take freewill and determinism to be_____.
  18. Question: The problem with saying reason is the only reliable faculty that can get the truth is this: _____ .
  19. Question: The Moorean response to external world skepticism is a view that says one is not in the bad case because ______ .
  20. Question: Read the following argument: 1. Every contingent thing has an explanation of its existence. 2. If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is a transcendent, personal being. 3. The universe is a contingent thing. 4. Therefore, the universe has an explanation of its existence. (from 1,3) 5. Therefore, the explanation of the universe is a transcendent, personal being. (from 2, 4) …. This argument aims to show that God is the best explanation for .
  21. Question: The following is an epistemic principle used by Descartes in his skeptical argument against knowledge of the external world.
  22. Question: The problem of intetionality is figuring out how mere neurons can be about the content of one's memory, thought, or belief.
  23. Question: In light of the problem of evil, one common confusion held by many people is thinking that in order to know God exists, one must also _____ .
  24. Question: The following are sources from which reliable beliefs can, in general, derive from:
  25. Question: According to compatibilists, reasons are _____ causes; according to libertarians, reasons are ______ causes.
  26. Question: _____ is the view that says there is one physical substance (i.e., the brain) that has both physical- properties and non-physical mental properties (i.e., thoughts, beliefs, desires, sensations, etc.) that emerge from the brain.
  27. Question: _____ is the absence of some kind of positive experiential evidence of God's existence in the search for God.
  28. Question: ______ is the view that says a type of mental state (e.g., pain) is identical to a type of brain state (e.g., C-fiber firing).
  29. Question: Establishing a correlation between A and B is the same as etablishing an identity relation between A and B.
  30. Question: The problem of ______ is trying to explain how humans can freely make choices when physical events are determined by the past and the laws of nature.
  31. Question: ______ is the view that says there are two substances--that is, one substance is the brain and it has physical properties and another substance is the mind/soul and it has non-physical properties (i.e., mental states).
  32. Question: According to libertarian conceptions of freewill, in addition to event-event causation, there is _____.
  33. Question: Bertrand Russell’s response to external world skepticism is a common sense view that says one is not in the bad case because ____.
  34. Question: Dr. O has long, curly, blonde hair.
  35. Question: According to libertarian conceptions of freedom, one must have the ability to _____.
  36. Question: The binding problem is figuring out how the brain can unify multiple mental states all at one--in a unified way--which is then had by a subject of experience.

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