PHI 103 Week 10, Topic 5 Exam 2 Study Guide
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- Plato’s view of ethics in terms of morality
- *Distinctions between what is meant by ethics and what is meant by morality
Process of determining between right & wrong
morality :
Actual content of right & wrong
- The four broad categories of ethics and definitions/descriptions of each
Descriptive ethics:
Sociological discipline that attempts to describe the morals of a particular society, often by studying other cultures
Normative ethics:
(ought to be)
Discipline that produces moral norms or rules as its end product
Analyzes or describes the way(s) in which moral judgement are actually used
Areatic (virtue):
Focuses on the virtues in individuals, not the morality of specific acts
- *Four specific considerations involved in making moral judgments
- The action itself
- The motive of the person ('moral actor')
- Consequences of the actions & decisions
- Character of moral actor
- *The highest level or broadest classification/division of ethical systems (see Topic 6, Part 1 Lecture Notes)
- Action Oriented
- Virtue Based
- *The five main subcategories under the highest level or broadest classification/division of ethical systems, and the description/characteristics of each main subcategory (see Topic 6, Part 1 Lecture Notes)
- Deontological
("what is due") Intrinsic rightness/wrongness of an act and our duty to do that act
- Teleological
Consequences of an act & our duty to of the act that brings about the greatest amount of good & the least amount of evil
- Relativism
- Definition of Ethical Relativism
- Two primary types of Ethical Relativism and particular features of each type Subjectivism:
- *Major criticisms or problems associated with Ethical Relativism
- *Definition and key aspects of Ethical Objectivism
- *Two primary forms of Ethical Objectivism, and examples of each form
- Various claims/aspects of Deontological ethical theory
- The three primary Deontological ethical systems and key characteristics, claims, and problems associated with each
Divine command theory:
Natural law:
Ethical rationalism:
- The relationship between “natural truths” and “moral truths”
- What Matthew Carey Jordan argues as it concerns the question of God and morality
- The basic position/argument of Kant’s ethical rationalism perspective
- *The three versions of Kant’s Categorical Imperative (CI) and the supporting claims/arguments for each version
Action is objectively necessary in itself
Form 1:
The only objective basis for moral value: the rationality of the good will, expressed in recognition of moral duty.
Form 2:
Act in such a way that you always treat humanity
Form 3:
- Criticism of Kant’s “ethics of duty” claim
we cannot always be certain of what constitutes our duty!
- Teleological ethics theory and definition
The greatest balance of good over evil for whom? Whose good should I be seeking?
What evil is to be overcome?
- The two major teleological ethical systems (utilitarianism and ethical egoism), including basic content, characteristics, claims, and weakness associated with each type Ethical egoism:
views of Good:
- Hedonism (Jeremy Betham)
- Actions right/wrong based on tendency to promote happiness, usefulness, or harm
- Reject moral codes that consists of commands that are based on customs given by a leader or supernatural
- *The Achilles’ heel (i.e., weakness) of all teleological theories
- Description/emphasis of Virtue Ethics
- Definition of eudaemonism
- Definition of hedonism
- *The two core (central) types of moral reasoning in Christian Ethics and the content of each type
- *The ultimate source and grounding for morality from a Christian worldview
- The greatest commandment, according to Jesus
- *The central concerns and different aspects of Old Testament Ethics
- *The primary ethical bases and concerns of New Testament Ethics
- *The central/ultimate virtue of New Testament ethics
- The four dimensions of the Meaning of Life, including content and claims for each dimension
Normative dimensions:
Explanatory dimensions:
Sub Specie Aeternitatis Dimension:
Can either experience profound indifference, or hope, among other reactions, depending upon what we think that viewpoint [worldview] entails.
Worldview dimensions:
In terms of the meaning of life, one could argue that we are trying to find the "wider world" (i.e., worldview, metanarrative)in which the existentially salient elements and accompanying questions of life fit.
Metaphysical dimensions:
Epistemological & Ethics Dimension:
- The four primary philosophical positions, and the arguments/elements of each, aimed at answering the question of “meaningfulness” (i.e., what gives life meaning) Supranationalism:
Objective naturalism:
A meaningful life is possible, but denies that a supernatural realm is necessary for such a life (contra supernaturalism)
Subjective naturalism:
A meaningful life is possible, but denies that a supernatural realm is necessary for such a life (contra supernaturalism and pace objective naturalism).
Denies that a meaningful life is possible because, literally, nothing has any value.
- *Claims/content of a distinctly Christian understanding of the meaning of life
- *Claims/content concerning finding meaning through “openness to the world” and a distinctly Christian understanding of the meaning of life
- *Claims/content regarding God as the Ground of personal existence and meaningfulness of life
- *The two main types and distinctions of “value” approaches
- 5 responses to life’s apparent meaninglessness (4 non-theistic, 1 theistic) discussed by Tolstoy under Existential Journey toward a Meaningful Life
Epicureanism: seeking the maximum pleasures in life, while knowing life is hopeless. Strength and energy: destroying life, better dead than alive
Weakness: seeing the truth of the absurdity of life but doing nothing about it
Faith in god
- The “3 Stages on Life’s Way” and argument for life’s meaning described by Kierkegaard’s under Existential Journey toward a Meaningful Life
- aesthetic : person acts according to their wants, no universal moral standard.
- Ethical stage: extreme moral, person realizes that they cannot live fully moral, guilty , become self righteous.
- Religious( faith): gods forgiveness