PHI 103 Week 14, Topic 7 Assessment; Applying Ethical Systems

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Contributed : Paul Charli
  • $20.00
  • PHI 103 Week 14, Topic 7 Assessment; Applying Ethical Systems

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In this paper, we will explore the moral issue of abortion from the perspective of Christian ethics. As a normative ethical theory, Christian ethics provides a clear basis for arguing against abortion as a moral issue, grounded in the belief in the sanctity of human life and the obligation to love and care for the vulnerable. Drawing on this framework, we will consider several detailed arguments against abortion, including the belief that life is a precious gift from God and the Christian responsibility to protect the unborn. Finally, we will explore how one's stance on this issue impacts personal behavior, including supporting pro-life organizations and advocating for alternatives to abortion, such as adoption.


                                Moral Issue involving Ethical Dilemma


Abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy before the fetus can survive outside the womb. varied Christians hold varied opinions about abortion, and the ethical ramifications change based on the denomination and how each person interprets the Bible. Since they believe that life begins at conception and that each and every human being has intrinsic worth and dignity, many Christians see abortion as a violation of the sanctity of life (Blackshaw & Rodger, 2019). They contend that abortion is ethically immoral and should never be performed unless the mother's life is in immediate danger. Others think there are some situations, including rape, incest, or serious fetal defects, where abortion may be acceptable (Rye & Underhill, 2020). Others contend that if a medical abortion is the only way to save the mother's life, it can be acceptable. In general, Christian ethical arguments against abortion are complicated and frequently entangled in theological and philosophic discussions. However, the majority of Christians would concur that the choice to have an abortion should be taken after careful consideration of the moral and legal ramifications……..Continue



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