POLI 1001 Week 2 Quiz (128 out of 128 Points)

Course : POLI 1001 American Government and Politics
Submitted : Year 2022
Contributed : Ragbarsingh
  • $29.00
  • POLI 1001 Week 2 Quiz (128 out of 128 Points)
  1. Question: Title IX made it illegal for schools to discriminate on the basis of sex if the school accepted.
  2. Question: Which of the following is an example of de jure discrimination?
  3. Question: Which of these people is most likely to be protected by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act?
  4. Question: According to due process, which of these must the court do?
  5. Question: What was the desired effect of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 on racial discrimination?
  6. Question: Which of these statements is true when it comes to right of legal counsel?
  7. Question: Which of the following best defines de jure discrimination?
  8. Question: When the court requires the government to show that its classification serves a compelling interest and the classification is necessary to serve that interest, the case would be focused under.
  9. Question: The classifications of strict scrutiny receiving some of the greatest amount of attention included.
  10. Question: Which of these is TRUE about the Americans with Disabilities Act?
  11. Question: Which of the following are the requirements of a Lemon test?
  12. Question: The Bill of Rights does all except for which of the following?
  13. Question: In what case would the government not provide legal counsel to a defendant?
  14. Question: Which of the following is a case in which the government has a compelling reason to limit First Amendment speech regarding religion?
  15. Question: What practice(s) did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 officially end?
  16. Question: To which step in the governmental process of a fair trial would a court date relate?
  17. Question: What happens if the accused cannot afford legal counsel?
  18. Question: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury." What is the exception to this?
  19. Question: How does the First Amendment protect privacy?
  20. Question: Which of these statements is true about the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)?
  21. Question: In Miranda v. Arizona, the court ruled that the four instances considered violated which amendment to the United States Constitution?
  22. Question: Title IX banned discrimination in which educational area?
  23. Question: The reasonable basis test has focused on.
  24. Question: Which practice did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 change?
  25. Question: In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court reversed its earlier interpretation of which constitutional amendment?
  26. Question: Reasonable basis is established.
  27. Question: Which amendment to the United States Constitution discusses a fair trial?
  28. Question: Which of the following was an effect of the Thirteenth Amendment?
  29. Question: Which of these is true about rights concerning gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, and transgender Americans?
  30. Question: Most classifications written into law have been subject to review under.
  31. Question: Which of the following BEST describes the effect of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
  32. Question: In school prayer cases, why has the Court ruled that officially sanctioned prayer was a violation of the First Amendment?

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