PRAC 6540-1, PRAC-6540A-1, Adv Prac Care of Frail Elders; Week 7 Quiz (10 out of 10 Points)

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  • PRAC 6540-1, PRAC-6540A-1, Adv Prac Care of Frail Elders; Week 7 Quiz (10 out of 10 Points)

1.      Question: What area of the heart is considered the “pacemaker of the heart”?
2.      Question: When reviewing the chest X-ray, a review of the bony structures of the clavicle, ribs, and spine can indicate which of the following pathologies if present?
3.      Question: When reviewing an X-ray, all of the following are correct EXCEPT:
4.      Question: When possible, where is the best place to position the board for a chest X-ray?
5.      Question: Why is looking at the position of the trachea on a chest X-ray important?
6.      Question: You order a potassium level on your patient who is being treated for high blood pressure with a diuretic. His last value 3 months ago was normal. His value from today is 7. The patient is in no distress and has no complaints of palpitations or other symptoms. What is your next step?
7.      Question: Lab analysis: You have an older patient in the ICU with chief complaint of dizziness and hypotension. You review their sodium level over the past 3 days: 3 days ago, sodium level was 135; 2 days ago, sodium was 139; and yesterday, sodium was 144. Today, the sodium level is 145. Knowing that normal sodium levels range from 135–145, what is your patient trending?
8.      Question: Your 73-year-old diabetic patient has a urinary albumin excretion of >30 mg/dl. You order a 24-hour urine test to determine chronic kidney disease (CKD). The results are GFR 60–89 mL/min/1.73m2 and persistent albuminuria. What stage of CKD is this?
9.      Question: The electrical conduction of the heart follows which pathway?

     10.  Question: Your 70-year-old male patient has finished a surgical resection and radiation for prostate cancer. What do you expect his PSA to be in 6 months?


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