PRAC 6635 Week 3 Assignment; Assessing and Diagnosing Patients with Mood Disorders

Course : Walden
Contributed : Stuckey
  • $20.00
  • PRAC 6635 Week 3 Assignment; Assessing and Diagnosing Patients with Mood Disorders

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Assignment: Assessing and Diagnosing Patients With Mood Disorders Subjective:

CC (chief complaint): “I can't stop crying. All the time.”


HPI: L.T is a 32-year-old black female who presents for psychiatric evaluation. Patient complains of a depressed mood almost every day since the birth of her child, two months ago. She reports finding it difficult to cope with the new baby and is overwhelmed by the baby's care. Patient admits to sleeping difficulties, including problems falling asleep after the baby, especially after the baby cries. She also reports reduced appetite, dissatisfaction with her body size and shape, low self-esteem, feelings of guilt and inadequacy, and avoiding contact with friends. She reports an irritable mood stating that "things just upset her." She also reports lack of interest in activities including writing, which she liked. Patient admits to having thoughts of suicide but has not acted upon them. She denies having thoughts of harming the baby……….. Continue



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