PRAC 6645 Week 4 Assignment 2; Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Note and Patient Case Presentation

Course : Walden
Contributed : Tausha Brooks
  • $20.00
  • PRAC 6645 Week 4 Assignment 2; Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Note and Patient Case Presentation

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CC (chief complaint): “My mood is good but I stay in my room most of the time”


HPI: A 16 year old male present himself for the group psychotherapy three times weekly due to severe depression. Patient walked into the Out Patient facility accompanied by his step dad. He appears agitated, sad, kept to himself, hopeless and fatigue. The patient feels frustrated, isolative, and depressed with low mood due to the fact that his biological father is not in his life. “I want my dad to be part of my life but he is not there for me and that got me frustrated”. His biological father has separated from his mother since he was 6 years old, and only sees him occasionally when he wanted to, and when he did visit, there is no encouragement, care and concerns about his son. The patient stated each time he sees his “real” father, he always tells him to grow up and be a man. His mother stated that he has told him many times to stop talking to his biological father due to discouraged words and lacks of care but the patient wanted his father to be part of his life and never accept his stepdad. This situation has led to severe depression, anxiety and suicidal attempts, the patient cut his arms multiple times. In addition, he reported been bullied at school which has led to his inability to focus, loss of appetite, low energy level, irritable, guilty and helpless. He denies neither homicidal nor auditory visual hallucination. His mother also reported that it is hard for the patient to come to terms with his sexuality, and that he prefers to be homosexual but was not sure how he would be accepted by others. Mother stated, “Though it is difficult for me to accept this revelation but I’m coming to terms with it because he is still my son regardless”


Past Psychiatric History: severe depression and suicidal attempts


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